CIW Engagement
We were pleased to partner with Community Oxford, a collaborative of local organizations including the County government, to conduct a CIW Community Wellbeing Survey in 2016. The survey featured questions encompassing the eight interconnected domains which comprise the CIW’s conceptual framework.

The first report, A Profile of the Wellbeing of Oxford County Residents, released in the summer of 2016, includes descriptive statistics based on the results of the survey.
The second report, A Comparison of Oxford Residents on Selected Aspects of their Wellbeing, was released in the fall of 2016. Working with the Community Oxford Committee to identify themes, the CIW provided a deeper understanding on key aspects of the survey data in order that Oxford County and local social service agencies can make informed decisions that move their community towards a greater level of wellbeing for residents. The survey themes were mapped to the three pillars in the Future Oxford Community Sustainability Plan (CSP): Community, Environment, and Economy.
In 2018, we were asked to disaggregate the West Region report, created for the Ontario Trillium Foundation (2016) to create A Profile of Wellbeing in Oxford County . In another "first" for the CIW, we integrated indicators with selected measures from the Community Wellbeing Survey conducted in Oxford County in 2016.