CIW Engagement
Information Orillia is a community organization located in Orillia, Ontario. They strive to connect people with services needed to improve their quality of life and create opportunities for community engagement.
Orillia and Area Community Wellbeing Survey

In May to July 2018, Information Orillia and its partners launched the Orillia and Area Community Wellbeing Survey. The survey was distributed to residents of Orillia and surrounding communities: Ramara, Oro-Medonte, and Severn. The survey included focused questions in the CIW's eight defined domains of wellbeing. The CIW analyzed the collected data from the survey's responses and prepared two reports. Both outline the results of the survey and will be used to facilitate conversations aimed at developing innovative solutions to pressing challenges that affect quality of life at both the local community and provincial levels.
Report #1: Wellbeing in Orillia and Area: A Summary of Results from the CIW Community Wellbeing Survey (PDF)
- This report highlights initial findings from the Orillia and Area Community Wellbeing Survey data. It provides a demographic profile of residents and measures overall wellbeing in the form of summary and descriptive analysis.
Report #2: A Closer Look at the CIW Community Wellbeing Survey Results for Orillia and Area (Powerpoint)
Report #2: A Closer Look at the CIW Community Wellbeing Survey Results for Orillia and Area Powerpoint (PDF)
- This second report provides a more in-depth look at the results of the survey through overviews and statistics of the CIW's eight defined domains of wellbeing. The PowerPoint format provides flexibility for easy interpretation and use of these results.
Community Outcomes
Well-being survey a 'milestone event' for Orillia