CIW Engagement

Saskatchewan Index of Wellbeing (SIW)
Two Saskatchewan-based organizations, Community Initiatives Fund and Heritage Saskatchewan, have partnered to create the Saskatchewan Index of Wellbeing (SIW); a resource used to measure the wellbeing of residents in Saskatchewan. The Index is used to expand the understanding of how well Saskatchewan is doing beyond measures of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Using the CIW's eight interconnected domains, the SIW measures and monitors changes in the quality of life and provides data specific to Saskatchewan to inform decision makers at the provincial, regional, and local level.(1) It is hoped that this initative will "promote evidence-based decision-making that reflects the values and responds to the needs of Saskatchewan's citizens."(1) Read more about the SIW's vision and mission.

Technical Report and Data Supplement to the Saskatchewan Index Report
In 2018, Community Initiatives Fund and Heritage Saskatchewan partnered with the CIW to create the Canadian Index of Wellbeing – Saskatchewan Report. This technical report focuses on the question of how Saskatchewan is doing and how the wellbeing of its residents has changed over time. The report draws on data collected from 1994 to 2014 from the CIW's 2016 national report, and dives into deeper perspectives of how wellbeing has shifted in Saskatchewan using trends in the eight defined domains as well as statistical highlights. (2)
Read more about the report on the SIW website.
1 “About the SIW.” Saskatchewan Index of Wellbeing,
2 Smale, B. (2019). How are residents of Saskatchewan really doing? A Report by the Canadian Index of Wellbeing prepared for Heritage Saskatchewan and the Community Initiatives Fund. Waterloo, ON: Canadian Index of Wellbeing and the University of Waterloo.