CIW Engagement
We were pleased partner with the Victoria Foundation to conduct a CIW Community Wellbeing Survey during May-June 2014.
The initial report, Victoria Capital Region Community Wellbeing Survey Report 1, presents preliminary findings from the residents’ responses to all of the questions based on each of the eight CIW domains. The data were weighted to ensure that results are representative geographically within the Victoria Capital Region and that the sex and age distribution matched the profile for the Victoria Capital Region based on the 2011 Census.
The second report, Victoria Capital Region Community Wellbeing Survey Report 2, provides a more in-depth look at the results of the survey. In discussion with the Victoria Foundation and Capital Region District, seven factors were selected as focal lenses for further analysis of the survey results (1) civic engagement, (2) geographic area, (3) gender, (4) age group, (5) income, (6) household type, and (7) main activity. By exploring survey results through these lenses, a deeper understanding of wellbeing among Victoria Capital Region residents emerges.
In order to build a trend line of wellbeing data over time, it is hoped that a collaborative of interested organizations in Victoria, BC will engage the CIW to survey a random sample of households every five years.

Community Outcomes
Victoria Foundation Vital Signs Report releases: 2014, 2015, and 2016.
December 2014: The Victoria Foundation hired a consultant to conduct a qualitative analysis of responses to the one open-ended question in the CIW survey: “Do you have any other comments or suggestions to improve the wellbeing in your community?” The report discusses two broad thematic areas that emerged from the open coding of the data: 1. Barriers to wellbeing; and 2. How to create wellbeing.