Katherine Scott

Research Associate, Canadian Advisor

Senior Researcher with Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA)
Former VP Research, Canadian Council on Social Development (
CIW Canadian Advisor - Community Vitality Domai

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Contact information

Email: kscott5@sympatico.ca

Katherine Scott has worked in the social development field as a researcher, writer and advocate over 25 years. Her ongoing work focuses on issues of social and economic inclusion as they affect individuals and communities. Currently, she is a Senior Researcher with CCPA working on gender equality and public policy research. Katherine is a founding member of the Canadian Index of Wellbeing’s (CIW) Canadian Research Advisory Group and played a key role in developing the CIW through her research on Community Vitality.

Selected publications

Scott, K., Frojmovic, M., & Ditor, M. (2015). Seniors and housing: The challenge ahead. Report produced for Federation of Canadian Municipalities. 

Scott, K. (2015). Dignity for all: A national anti-poverty plan for Canada. Report produced for Canada Without Poverty and Citizens for Public Justice.

Scott, K (2012-2015). Poverty Trends Scorecard. Series produced for Citizens for Public Justice.   

Scott, K. (2010). Community Vitality: A Report of the Canadian Index of WellbeingWaterloo, ON: Canadian Index of Wellbeing and University of Waterloo.

Scott, K. (2010). Families count: Profiling Canada’s families IV. Report produced for the Vanier Institute of the Family.