The Vanier Institute of the Family

Margo is Interim Program Director for The Vanier Institute of the Family and an Adjunct Professor in the Faculty of Health, Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies, University of Waterloo. Prior to joining Vanier and before that GREO, she was the Associate Director, Research for the CIW. In this role, she was engaged extensively in social indicators research both at the national level and in partnership with communities across Canada. Margo holds a Ph.D. in Leisure Studies from the University of Waterloo, and has research expertise in time use and the work-leisure relationship. She is particularly interested in changing employment trends and practices, and the implications of these and other social changes for mental health and quality of life.
Selected publications
Hilbrecht, M. & Smale, B. (2016). The contribution of paid vacation time to wellbeing among employed Canadians. Leisure/Loisir, 40(1), 31-54. doi: 10.1080/14927713.2016.1144964.
Hilbrecht, M., Lero, D., Schryer, E., Mock, S.E., & Smale, B. (2016). Understanding the association between time spent caregiving and wellbeing among employed adults: Testing a model of work-life fit and sense of community. Community, Work and Family. Available online. doi: 10.1080/13668803.2015.1112254
Hilbrecht, M., Smale, B., & Mock, S.E. (2016). The relationship between perceived underemployment and quality of life: Evidence from mid-size Canadian communities. Applied Research on Quality of Life. Available online. doi: 10.1007/s11482-016-9479-2
Smale, B., & Hilbrecht, M. (2016). From national to local: Measuring wellbeing at the community level. In R. Phillips & C. Wong (Eds.), The handbook of community wellbeing. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.
Zuzanek, J., & Hilbrecht, M. (2016). Enforced leisure: Time use and its wellbeing implications. Time and Society. Available online. doi: 10.1177/0961463X16678252
Hilbrecht, M. (2015). Self-employment and experiences of support in a work-family context. Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, 28(1), 75-96.
Hilbrecht, M. & Lero, D. (2014). Self-employment and family life: Constructing work-life balance when you’re “always on”. Community, Work and Family, 17(1), 20-42.
Hilbrecht, M., Smale, B., & Mock, S.E. (2014). Highway to health? Commute time and wellbeing among Canadian adults. World Leisure Journal, 56(2), 151-163.
Hilbrecht, M., Shaw, S.M., Delamere, F. & Havitz, M. (2008). Experiences, perspectives and meanings of family vacations for children. Leisure/Loisir, 32(2), 541-571.
Hilbrecht, M., Shaw, S.M., Johnson, L.C., Andrey, J. (2008). “I’m home for the kids”: Contradictory implications for work-life balance of teleworking mothers. Gender, Work and Organization, 15(5), 454-476.