Recreation and Leisure Studies, School of Health and Human Performance, Dalhousie University

Karen Gallant's research interests focus on citizen engagement and inclusion of marginalized populations in communities, and particularly the role of leisure in creating opportunities to cultivate social inclusion. Her research has explored the role of volunteering in furthering community vitality, and issues of inclusion, social support, and power for marginalized individuals, including older adults, people living with mental health issues, and immigrants.
Selected publications
Gallant, K., & Sharpe, E. (In press). Citizen power. In E. Sharpe, H. Mair, & F. Yuen (Eds.), Community Development: Applications for Leisure. State College, PA: Venture Publishing.
Hutchinson, S., & Gallant, K. (In press). Can seniors’ centres be contexts for aging in Third Places? Journal of Leisure Research.
Tirone, S., Gallant, K., Sullivan, A., Shannon, C., & Robertson, B. (2015). Community support for the leisure and the wellbeing of immigrant families in small Atlantic Canadian communities. In E. Tastsoglou (Ed.). Warmth of the Welcome, (166-182). Sydney, NS: University of Cape Breton Press.
Gallant, K. A., Arai, S. M., & Smale, B. J. (2013). Celebrating, challenging, and re-envisioning serious leisure. Leisure/Loisir, 37, 91-109.
Gallant, K. A., Arai, S. M., & Smale, B. J. (2013). Serious leisure as an avenue for nurturing community. Leisure Sciences, 35, 320-336.
Gallant, K., Smale, B., & Arai, S. (2010). Civic engagement through mandatory community service: Implications of serious leisure. Journal of Leisure Research, 42, 181-201.