Department of Sociology & Legal Studies and School of Public Health Sciences, University of Waterloo

Dr. Cooke is an Associate Professor jointly appointed in the Department of Sociology & Legal Studies and the School of Public Health Sciences at the University of Waterloo, cross-appointed to the School of Pharmacy. A sociologist and demographer, his major research interests are in the life course, population change and social policy. This includes aspects of family and household demography and related processes such as fertility and household formation and dissolution, population ageing and migration, and policies such as social assistance and pensions.
Selected Publications
Cooke, M., & O’Sullivan, E. (2014). The Impact of Migration on the First Nations Community Well-Being Index. Social Indicators Research, 122(2), 371-389.
Mitrou, F., Cooke, M., Povah, D., Mobila, E., Guimond, E., & Zubrick, S. (2014). Indigenous gaps not closing: Social determinants of health in Australia, Canada, and New Zealand from 1981–2006. BMC Public Health, 14(201).
Cooke, M., Guimond, E., & McWhirter, J. (2008). The changing well-being of older registered Indians: An application of the Registered Indian Human Development Index. Canadian Journal on Aging, 27 (4), 385-398.
Cooke, M., Mitrou, F., Lawrence, D., Guimond, E., & Beavon, D. (2007). Indigenous well-being in four countries: An application of the UNDP's Human Development Index to Indigenous Peoples in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United States. BMC International Health and Human Rights, 7 (9). doi 10.1186/1472-698X-7-9
Cooke, M., Mitrou, F., Lawrence, D., Guimond, E., & Beavon, D. (2007). Indigenous well-being in four countries: An application of the UNDP's Human Development Index to Indigenous Peoples in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United States. In D. Raphael (Ed.). Health Promotion and Quality of Life in Canada: Essential Readings. Toronto: Canadian Scholar’s Press.