Professor, Kansai University, Osaka, Japan
Former Visiting Professor, Institute of Resources, Environment, and Sustainability, University of British Columbia (2015-2016)

Takayoshi Kusago is a Professor at Kansai University, Osaka, Japan, and a Visiting Professor, Institute of Resources, Environment, and Sustainability, University of British Columbia for 2015-2016. From the perspective of human development and capability approach, he has studied a variety of subjects pertinent to modernization and sustainable development. He places enormous importance on how local people can actively engage in creating own community/society where they can achieve higher level of well-being. He has community-based well-being action-research projects in Japan, Bhutan, and Nepal. He has published research papers in academic journals such as World Development, Social Indicators Research, and co-authored GNH (Gross National Happiness) in Japanese, 2011.
Selected publications
Kusago, T. (2007). Rethinking of economic growth and life satisfaction in post-WWII Japan – A fresh approach. Social Indicators Research, 81(1), 79-102. doi:10.1007/s11205-006-0016-9
Kusago, T. (2008). Japan’s development: What economic growth, human development and subjective well-being measures tell us about? Thammasat Economic Journal, 26(2), 88-116.
Kusago, T. (2011). A sustainable well-being initiative: Social divisions and the recovery process in Minamata, Japan. In M.J. Sirgy (Ed.), Community quality-of-life indicators: Best cases V (pp. 97-111). Dordrecht: Springer.
Kusago, T., & Miyamoto, T. (2014). The potential for community-based action research for area studies: A process evaluation method for the improvement of community Life. Psychologia, 57, 275-294.