Ergonomic task analysis: Cab egress and ingress

Concern details

Truck drivers are at increased risk of slip-and-fall injuries when entering and exiting tractor cabs. The prevalence of injuries due to slips and falls during ingress and egress in the transportation sector is significant. Egress is considered to be more dangerous than ingress. These risks are exacerbated when environmental conditions are poor as rain, snow, and uneven ground. The method drivers use to get in and out their truck impacts their risk of injury. It is important that
drivers do not jump down from the cab. Jumping from elevated surfaces creates high impact forces which transfer high loads to the joints and also increases the potential of slips and falls immediately after landing. Furthermore, it is important that drivers use three-point contact for entering and exiting the truck; however, this is not always possible due to truck configuration. Good design of ingress/egress system,
including the design of the steps and handholds, can help prevent these injuries.
Truck driver entering a truck



  • Use three-point contact when entering and exiting the tractor. 
  • Exit the truck by climbing down while facing the inside of the cab and avoid jumping.
  • Load belongings onto passenger seat to climb in with hands empty to be able to use three-point contact.
  • Use a fold up stairs/ladder.


  • Train drivers to use three-point contact.
  • Consider steps and grab handles when purchasing trucks.


  • Design tractors with long grab handles located on both side of the doors and inside the cab.
  • Design tractors with smaller distance between steps and adequate grating on step, especially front edge of step to reduce slipping.
  • Design tractors with a pass-through compartment for drivers to load belongings into so they can have their hands free in order to use three-point contact. 
  • Design tractor with cup holders in inside lower portion of door to free up hands to enable three-point contact