Seed grants

CRE-MSD strives to develop research capacity in the prevention of musculoskeletal disorders (MSD). One of the most important and significant ways CRE-MSD achieves this is through our seed grant program.

These small seed grants are designed to initiate new research studies. Applied research with workplace partners is challenging to do. Seed grants are designed to develop ideas and collaborations, and get research projects started.

The seed grant program not only provides a mechanism to connect researchers with stakeholders to address the burden of MSD in the workplace, but the support offered by CRE-MSD helps to establish new research programs and opportunities for researchers to collaborate with each other, for young researchers to be mentored by established senior researchers, and for students to be nurtured and encouraged to engage in MSD prevention research.

The Centre normally issues one call for seed grant proposals per year.

For information about funded seed grants, see the seed grant section under Projects.

Funding opportunities

Annual call for seed grant proposals

CRE-MSD's 2024-25 call for seed grant proposals is now closed. The 2025-26 call for seed grant proposals will open in April 2025.

Rapid response seed grant proposals

This is an open submission, rapid response initiative for projects that are time sensitive and/or address emergent MSD prevention research opportunities (rolling intake). Rapid response seed grants are available on-demand following the annual spring call for seed grant proposals. Successful applications will be awarded on a first come, first served basis.

2024-25 CRE-MSD seed grant application (WORD)

Student travel awards

Support is available for students working on projects under CRE-MSD researchers for travel to present MSD prevention related work at research conferences.

2024-25 CRE-MSD student travel award application (WORD)