Keywords: Workplace Interventions; Musculoskeletal Disorders; Ergonomics; Implementation; Knowledge Transfer
Timeline: May 31 - June 1, 2011
Presenters: Centre of Research Expertise for the Prevention of Musculoskeletal Disorders (CRE-MSD)
Funder: CRE-MSD
Project type: Workshop
Partners: University of Windsor
Sector/Workplace type: All
Theme 4 Interventions
Theme 5 Implementation
The role of ergonomic interventions is to prevent the onset of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). All ergonomic programs face a multitude of challenges to be successful. This workshop was organized to discuss implementation issues.
Goals and process
The purpose of this research retreat was to discuss and hear the various challenges and successes that have been experienced in implementing workplace interventions by researchers and industry health and safety specialists. Approximately 50 participants representing researchers, graduate students and workplace stakeholders were gathered to listen to presentations, view posters and brainstorm potential research projects.
A variety of researchers and practitioners presented incidents of ergonomic implementation sustainability, research-to-practice and efficacy. Participants broke into small groups to discuss potential research projects for the next seed grant competition.
Implications for the prevention of MSDs
Knowledge transfer to all involved in the prevention of MSDs will enable workplace interventions to be more implementable, sustainable and effective.
Knowledge dissemination
For full summary see the 2011 Research Retreat event page.