Let's have more PeaceTech!

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

By Paul Heidebrecht

The Kindred Credit Union Centre for Peace Advancement is excited to be supporting the newly launched PeaceTech Living-Learning Community at Conrad Grebel University College. For the past several years we have connected with Grebel students enrolled in a range of academic programs who are eager to reflect critically on the impact of technology on our world, and are yearning to apply their creativity to advance peace. We want to help inspire and equip these changemakers, and to attract more of them to the Grebel community!

PeaceTech and Pizza Event

This blog will be a vehicle for sharing within and beyond the PeaceTech Living-Learning Community. It will include regular updates on PeaceTech-related news and events from our campus and region. And it will be a space for reflection and analysis from students as they deepen their own connections and understanding.  

This blog will also draw on contributions from participants in the Centre for Peace Advancement. After all, PeaceTech is at the heart of so much of what we do, including supporting emerging PeaceTech start-ups in our Epp Peace Incubator program, and the public policy advocacy of Core Collaborator organizations related to emerging technologies of warfare.

Keep killer robots fictional event

And it will seek broader audiences, including university students in classes linked to the Centre for Peace Advancement such as Engineering and Peace, and individuals and organizations active in one of the world’s leading innovation ecosystems. As I have argued in 2016 and 2018, given that it aspires to be one of the epicenters of the “tech for good” movement, there is no better home for PeaceTech than Waterloo!