Graduate students


09. What are moral rights and what do they have to do with copyright?

Moral rights are additional rights held by authors of literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works. They consist of rights that protect the integrity of a work and the reputation of its author. The right of attribution is the right to always be identified as the author of a work or to remain anonymous (for more information on attribution, see question 13).

05. How does copyright work differently in Canada and the United States?

In general, the copyright laws in the U.S. and Canada are different. For example, the U.S. has a provision known as "fair use" that is different from the Canadian equivalent ("fair dealing"). See Question 07: What is fair dealing and how does it relate to copyright? for more information.

06. How does copyright work internationally?

Copyright is recognized internationally thanks to international conventions. So, generally, your copyright will be protected in other countries, but there may be some differences in terms of how your work would be protected. If you’re concerned about someone’s use of your work outside of Canada, you will need to check the copyright laws of that jurisdiction to confirm whether the use in question infringes your copyright.

02. What rights does a copyright owner have?

Copyright gives the copyright owner several legal rights, such as the right to copy and translate a work, the right to communicate a work to the public by telecommunication, and the right to assign permission to third parties to circulate the work on the copyright owner's behalf. These rights are qualified by certain exceptions that balance the copyright owner’s interests with the public interest in allowing the use of copyright-protected works for purposes such as education and research.

01. What does copyright cover?

Copyright protects literary, artistic, dramatic and musical works, as well as sound recordings, performances and communication signals. These categories encompass a wide range of materials, from books, articles, posters, manuals, and graphs to CDs, DVDs, software, databases, and websites.
