This week, CLS professor Jeff Wilson was featured in the Daily Bulletin talking about his experience with a STEM colleague in the Cheriton School of Computer Science. Below is an excerpt, but you can read the complete piece by following the link below.
Excerpt of article originally appearing in The Daily Bulletin on August 23, 2023:
Cheriton School of Computer Science professor Craig Kaplan and his team recently discovered something new: a vampire einstein monotile (a two-dimensional shape that can be used to tile a plane without repeating a pattern, and without needing to incorporate mirror images). As part of the tiling process, the team’s experiments produced a further interesting composite shape formed by two tiles. This second shape itself posed a new challenge: what to name it?
To Kaplan, the new composite shape strongly resembled a seated buddha figure from classic Asian art. So, he proposed to call it “Buddha.” But he also wondered whether that was okay, or whether Buddhists might find the label religiously provocative?