Wednesday, February 26, 2025
Academic accommodations for creed/religion – now available
The University recognizes and respects the diverse religious beliefs within our community. As a graduate student, you have the right to seek academic accommodations on creed/religious grounds. Official details are included in the Graduate Studies Academic Calendar, with a summary below.
The Office of Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Anti-racism at the University of Waterloo maintains an annually updated listing of Religious and Spiritual Days of Observance 2025.
Coursework expectations:
- Complete the Student Absence Declaration in Quest, and select Religious or creed-related absence. Review detailed instructions on form completion on The Centre’s website.
Scheduled milestones/non-course degree requirements:
- Consult with your instructor(s) within two weeks of the due date or the scheduled date for which you need accommodation.
- Inform your department/school graduate officer/coordinator at least two weeks in advance.