News for Future students

Friday, February 14, 2020

AI should not leave structured data behind!

photo of Ihab Ilyas

The following is an article written by Professor Ihab Ilyas, a faculty member of the Data Systems Group and the Thomson Reuters Research Chair in Data Cleaning from Theory to Practice

Friday, January 24, 2020

Amine Mhedhbi awarded coveted 2020 Microsoft Research PhD Fellowship

photo of Amine Mhedhbi

PhD candidate Amine Mhedhbi is one of 10 recipients across North America and the only recipient from Canada to receive a 2020 Microsoft Research PhD Fellowship. Established in 2008, these prestigious fellowships have supported more than 150 exceptional doctoral students to date. 

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Charles Clarke, Gordon Cormack and colleagues win 2019 ACM SIGIR Test of Time Award

photo of Professors Charles Clarke, Gordon Cormack and Olga Vechtomova

Cheriton School of Computer Science Professors Charlie Clarke and Gordon Cormack, Management Sciences Professor Olga Vechtomova, along with their former graduate students Maheedhar KollaAzin AshkanStefan Büttcher and 

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Q&A with Professor Xi He, a new faculty member at the Cheriton School of Computer Science

photo of Professor Xi He

Xi He joined the David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science as an assistant professor in March 2019. She received her BS in computer science and applied mathematics from the University of Singapore in 2012 and her PhD in computer science from Duke University in 2018. Her research is on privacy and security for big-data management and analysis.

Monday, October 22, 2018

Virginia first state to use technology-assisted review to classify publicly released Kaine Administration emails

Research Professor Maura Grossman and Professor Gordon Cormack

Technology-assisted review (TAR) — an automated process used to select and prioritize documents for review, pioneered by Research Professor Maura Grossman and Professor Gordon Cormack — was used for the first time by a state archive to classify emails from the administration of former Virginia Governor Tim Kaine for release to the public.

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