Leadership and Policy in Economic Development (Year 3)

Year 3 banner
Date Location Tuition Value
November 19-22, 2024 Waterloo, ON $1995-2695 Upgrade to EcD(F)

Why take Year 3?

Join an experienced and enthusiastic group of colleagues to discuss the latest trends, develop your leadership abilities, and learn new skills in a collaborative team environment.

Learn more about the course on the Economic Development Year 3 web page.

2019 Schedule

2024 Schedule Forthcoming

Tuesday, November 1

Location: Balsillie School of International Affairs, Room 1-23

8:30-9 am: Registration

9-9:15 am: Welcome and introductions

  • Urban renewal - heritage, innovation and renewal spaces
  • Paul Parker, Director, Economic Development Program, University of Waterloo

9:15 am-12 pm: Change Champions

  • Working with politicians
  • Mentoring colleagues, identifying career pathways
  • Creating and maintaining partnerships (across sectors, across the region)
  • Panel: 

    • Aileen Murray, President, Mellor Murray Consulting

    • Dave Cash, Cash & Associates, Former CAO and EDO

    • Paulette Prentice, Manager, Economic Development, FEDDEV

​​12-1 pm: Lunch

1-2:30 pm: Creativity and Strategy: The important relationship

  • Understanding and maximizing benefits from different creativity/work preferences/skills
  • Review self-assessment – identify your creativity preferences and those of people around you
  • Geoff Malleck, Dept. of Economics, University of Waterloo

3-3:15 pm: Refreshment break

3:15-4:45 pm: Introduction to Foundation business strategy simulator

  • Activity: Ideas
    • Presentation of ideas
    • Review Foursight results

  • Foundation business strategies 1
    • Problem identification, brainstorming, strategy development, implementation
  • Geoff Malleck, Dept. of Economics, University of Waterloo

4:45-5:45 pm: Working dinner

5:45-8 pm: Foundation practice round 1

Wednesday, November 2

Location:  Communitech Hub, Pollock Executive Centre

9-10:15 am: Foundation business strategies Round 1

10:15-10:30 am: Refreshment break

10:30-11:30 am: Trends in Digital Manufacturing

  • Making sense of the maker economy
  • Tara Vinodrai, Director, Economic Development and Innovation Program, School of Environment, Enterprise and Development, University of Waterloo

11:30 am-12:30 pm: Transformational Economic Development: From Plan to Investment

  • Strategic economic planning: greenfield or brownfield priority
  • Leveraging partnerships
  • Rod Regier, former Director, Economic Development, City of Kitchener

12:30-1:30 pm: Lunch

1:30-2:30 pm: Communitech Hub Programs and Partners

  • Creating an innovation ecosystem
  • Communitech, Kitchener, ON

2:30-3 pm: Refreshment break

3-5:30 pm: Foundation business strategies Round 2

  • Round 1 feedback – results and group challenges
  • Round 2 simulation
  • Round 2 feedback - results and group challenges

Thursday, November 3

Location: Balsillie School of International Affairs. Room 1-42

9-10 am: Global Context: Trends and Opportunities

  • Canadian communities in global context
  • East Asia and Pacific economy
  • Political economy and trade
  • Crisis as catalyst for action
  • John Ravenhill, Director, Balsillie School of International Affairs

10-10:30 am: Global Ideas / Knowledge Trends I

  • Global economy:  latest trends
  • Business networks, city networks, idea generators
  • Brock Dickinson, CEO, MDB Insight, Stoney Creek, ON

10:30-11 am: Refreshment break

11 am-12:30 pm: 

Global Ideas / Knowledge Trends II

  • Global economy:  latest trends
  • Business networks, city networks, idea generators
  • Brock Dickinson, CEO, MDB Insight,, Stoney Creek, ON

1:30-2:30 pm: Investment Attraction Best Practices: Alternative Incentives

  • Comparative study of neighbouring jurisdictions
  • Lessons learned and opportunities
  • International comparison of alternative incentives
  • Chris Lau, Ministry of Economic Development and Growth

2:30-3 pm: Refreshment break

3-5 pm: Foundation business strategies Round 4

  • Round 3 feedback
  • Round 4 simulation

Friday, November 4

Location: Balsillie School of International Affairs. Room 1-42

9-9:30 am: Foundation business strategies Round 5

  • Round 4 feedback
  • Round 5 simulation

9:30-10:30 am: Group presentation preparation

10:30-11 am: Refreshment break

11 am-12 pm: Presentations

12-1 pm: Lunch

1-3 pm: Presentations

3-3:15 pm: Refreshment break

3:15-4 pm: Foundation Business Strategies Finale

  • Each team has 15 minutes to summarize and present the following:
    • How team approached the competition
    • Key considerations included
    • Outcomes v. expectations
    • Final Annual Report to the Board
  • Feedback: Insights

Really excellent material and great group of colleagues.


  EDAC Members Non-EDAC Members
Early bird $1995 + HST $2495 + HST
After Oct 1st $2195 + HST $2695 + HST