Real estate, employment lands and site selection

Date Location
May 23-24, 2013 Stratford Campus, University of Waterloo

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Day one morning: real estate 101

  • Real estate basics
  • Real estate terminology
  • Understanding your real estate community
  • Working with real estate professionals

Day one afternoon: commercial and industrial real estate

  • Large vs. small projects
  • Engaging real estate firms
  • Calls for proposal
  • Industry trends and best practices

Day one evening: local case study

  • Building features, site features
  • Potential uses / clients
  • Challenges of re-use sites

Day two morning: corporate site selection

  • International and Canadian trends
  • Preparing for site selection
  • Data and information for the site selector
  • Working with a site selector

Day two afternoon: employment land strategy

  • What is an employment land strategy?
  • How much is enough? Projections and supply
  • Wider trends and opportunities
  • Land use planning, economic development and employment lands


The Parlour Historic Inn & Suite, 101 Wellington Street, Stratford, ON
Telephone: 519- 271-2772
Hotel website
$119 per night single/double