If someone is committing violence or about to commit violence at the university:
Call 911 and then contact UW Special Constable Service at 519-888-4911 or ext. 22222.
Get Out, Hide, Fight
If a violent situation is occurring near you, experts recommend three essential courses of action to help you avoid harm. These methods are demonstrated in the video Violent Person on Campus: Know You Can Survive.

- Get out: Getting out is by far the best option if you believe you can escape safely. This is why it is a good idea to make mental notes of means of escape wherever you may be on campus. If you hear something that could be gunshots, don’t wait: get out.
- Hide: Hide if you don’t know exactly where the shooting is happening or it’s too late to escape safely. Get behind a lockable door if you can. Barricade the door. Improvise with any object you can to prevent someone from entering. Once you are hidden, silence your phone, turn off the lights and stay quiet. If your spot is secure, be prepared to remain there until the police come to you with the all clear.
- Fight: Fighting is your absolute last resort. You would only confront a violent or armed intruder if you somehow became trapped in a space with no escape. A violent or armed intruder typically doesn’t respond to reason so you must assume they intend to harm you. Find an object you can use to strike the attacker with; trip them with a chair; be as aggressive as you can; do anything you can to stop them.
You will need to decide if you can do this. Remember, it is your decision.
This video is a dramatization with instructions on what to do in a situation where there is an active attacker on campus. It was produced for post-secondary institutions in consultation with police. The video may be disturbing for some viewers. Viewer discretion is advised.