Tuesday, October 13, 2020
As of Friday, March 20, the Renison English Language Institute Office (REN 1930) has been closed and not available for visitors. Moving forward, we will be providing support virtually.
Do you have questions? We can help!
We encourage all members of our Renison community to practice social distancing as much as possible. We welcome you to contact us through the following methods:
- Email us: eli@uwaterloo.ca
- Facebook us: You can Facebook message us through our Renison English Language Institute Facebook Page.
- Message us: You can contact our Student Experience Manager, Ryan Connell, via social media apps using the QR codes below.

We encourage current students to connect with their instructors via email for any questions or concerns about their course materials.
Thank you for your understanding. For more information from Renison pertaining to COVID-19, please visit the Renison News page.