Renison University College is one of 4 affiliated university colleges at the University of Waterloo. Located on the Waterloo campus, Renison provides a small community experience within the larger University of Waterloo student population. Renison supports the University of Waterloo by providing the following academic programming, services and facilities:
- undergraduate and graduate degree courses in Social Development Studies and Social Work
- language and culture courses in Arabic, Chinese, English, Japanese, and Korean
- English as a Second Language (ESL) teacher training
- residence and cafeteria facilities
- academic and student experience support services
What makes Renison special?
Small classes, diverse students, and experienced instructors
- Only 20 students per class in Renison ELI courses
- A diverse classroom, with students from more than 35 different countries
- Our instructors are TESL-certified and are highly experienced in teaching English
- Since Renison provides other academic courses in addition to English, you will meet many University of Waterloo students who are native-English speakers
Renison's accreditations, affiliations, and partnerships: