In the past year, Renison University College has emerged as a strong leader in virtual, experiential education during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our English Language Institute has successfully reimagined our academic language programs from the traditional face-to-face format into a high quality online learning experience. We continue to do this while protecting the safety and wellbeing of our students, instructors, and staff.
We pride ourselves on offering strong programs with quality curriculum, attentive instructors, and an engaging student experience. Our goal remains unchanged: to ensure you build your language skills while maintaining the high quality learning experience you expect from a Renison language program.
For Spring 2021, the English For Academic Success (EFAS) program
will continue to be offered in an online format.
In English For Academic Success, you will interact directly with experienced instructors and other students in a small, virtual classroom community.
You will be able to enjoy a combination of:
- Real-time class instruction with quality curriculum
- Pre-recorded instructional videos that you can rewind and play repeatedly
- Online instructional activities to ensure you are engaged in your learning
- Individual feedback about your work directly from your instructors during regularly scheduled timeslots
Engage in our dynamic online community
Students also have the opportunity to take part in educational workshops facilitated by Renison's Student Advisor. Our wide variety of workshop offerings range from computer proficiency skills (navigating Microsoft Word or Excel), study skills and academic skill enhancement, and mental health and personal wellness.
If you are interested in developing your Canadian volunteer experience, we also provide leadership development opportunities, including our popular virtual ELI Vlog Volunteer team which hosts our popular ELI Some Good News vlog show online.
We hope to offer English For Academic Success classes in person for future terms, but only if it is safe to do so while following regulations and recommendations established by the Region of Waterloo Public Health and the Government of Canada.
At the Renison English Language Institute, we are committed to working together to provide you with quality language instruction and helping you achieve your goals. Even though our classes will be online, you will be part of a warm community of people who will be dedicated to helping you succeed.
Do you have questions? We can help!
In the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns. We welcome you to contact us through the following methods:
- Email us:
- Facebook us: You can Facebook message us through our Renison English Language Institute Facebook Page.
- Message us: You can contact our Student Experience Manager, Ryan Connell, via social media apps using the QR codes below.