Supporting EMI Initiatives

The English Language Institute at Renison University College is pleased to offer programming in support of institutions' English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI) initiatives; programming may include development of skills and strategies to be successful delivering lectures and interacting with students and colleagues within an English as a medium of instruction environment.

For more information, please contact Grant Leach (Director, Marketing and Recruitment) at

Description and objectives (EMI)


Programming in support of EMI initiatives may consist consisting of coursework, independent project work, specialized professional development opportunities, and classroom observations. With a strong focus on building confidence and proficiency in the use of English, our programming engages participants in group work, teaching demonstrations and discussions, designed to enhance their abilities to teach in English within their own teaching contexts.


  • To develop participants’ proficiency in delivering lectures in English
  • To build participants’ confidence in their use of English for conversation and discussion of academic topics.
  • To engage participants in communication strategies that facilitate cross-cultural communication.
  • To encourage reflection of participants’ educational practice
  • To expand notions of cross-cultural communication and build cultural awareness through cultural workshops and excursions. 

Program features (EMI)

  • Expertise: Benefit from classes taught by Renison instructors, industry professionals with years of expertise and lived experience.
  • Networking Opportunities: Collaborate with, learn from and find support in a network of professional colleagues who are passionate about education and lifelong learning.
  • Engaging Content: Engage in coursework created by the Renison English Language Institute.
  • Credibility: Receive a micro-certificate of participation upon completion of the program.
  • Cultural Exploration: Gain valuable insights and lasting memories from cultural activities and excursions.

What will you learn? (EMI)

  1. Presentation Skills

This course is designed to give participants the opportunity to develop their presentation skills, including important transferable skills such as the use of techniques for impactful vocal delivery and useful language for presenting ideas in English (e.g. signposting language). Through a variety of speaking tasks, including individual presentations and microteaching opportunities, participants will explore the elements of successful presentations as they build their speaking confidence and improve various aspects of their delivery. 

  1. Interpersonal Communication

Effective interpersonal communication relies on the receptive skill of listening and the productive skill of speaking.  This course is designed to engage participants in active listening and speaking strategies that they will apply in a variety of practice activities and tasks and when participating in, facilitating, and managing effective communication in small groups or seminars. This course will also involve opportunities for peer collaboration and provide different contexts for speaking that will require participants to argue, describe, summarize, explain, persuade and so on. An additional emphasis will be given to expanding vocabulary and enhancing pronunciation to aid in effective message delivery.

  1. Intercultural Dimensions of Teaching in English Medium Instruction Contexts

The growing presence of international students in EMI contexts challenges educators to interact effectively with students from diverse cultural backgrounds. This course aims to develop cross-cultural awareness and cross-cultural communication by examining different aspects of culture, by making connections with participants’ immersion experience in Canada, and by exploring socio-linguistic features of English. Coursework and activities aim to guide participants’ reflection and raise questions to encourage critical analysis of their experience and language use. 

  1. Inquiry and Reflective Practice

This course will give participants the opportunity to examine issues and challenges in their personal practice when lecturing for a multilingual and multicultural audience.  In reflecting on these challenges, participants will also spend time focusing on the specific disciplinary terminology and general academic language necessary for their teaching context.  Through observing and learning from each other and other educators at Renison, participants will be encouraged to develop their own personal improvement plan and strategies for its implementation.

Sample class schedule (EMI)






Interpersonal Communication

9:00 to 12:00

Inquiry & Reflective Practice

9:00 to 10:30

Intercultural Dimensions of Teaching in EMI Contexts

9:00 to 12:00

Inquiry & Reflective Practice

9:00 to 11:30

Intercultural Dimensions of Teaching in EMI Contexts

9:00 to 12:00

Interpersonal Communication 10:30 to 12:00


Presentation Skills

1:00 to 3:00

Presentation Skills

1:00 to 3:00

Inquiry & Reflective Practice

1:00 to 3:00

Presentation Skills

1:00 to 3:00

Interpersonal Communication

1:00 to 2:30

NOTE: the schedule above is provided as a sample and is subject to change.