The Generationed City team is connecting and collaborating with several researchers conducting research on issues related to generational change, aging, youth, and young adults. Please contact Dr. Markus Moos if you would like to become an affiliated researcher.
Amelia Clarke

Amelia Clarke has been working on environment and sustainability issues since 1989, including as President of Sierra Club Canada (2003-2006). She is now a tenured faculty member in the School of Environment, Enterprise and Development (SEED) at the University of Waterloo, where she is also Director of the Master of Environment and Business (MEB) program. Her research is focused on strategies for sustainable development and on youth engagement. She is the academic leader of two research projects – the Youth and Innovation Research Project, and the Implementing Sustainable Community Plans research project.
Patricia Collins

Patricia Collins is an Associate Professor in the Department of Geography and Planning, and is cross-appointed to the School of Kinesiology and Health Studies. She completed a postdoctoral fellowship in the Department of Health, Aging and Society at McMaster before starting her appointment at Queen’s in July 2011. Her research is broadly situated within the field of healthy and sustainable community planning, and she is currently interested in topics ranging from the determinants of active commuting, local approaches to food insecurity, and neighbourhood impacts of school closures.
Suzanne Cook

Suzanne L. Cook is a gerontologist and an adult educator. In her research, she examines aging and work from a life course perspective. She coined the term “redirection” to refer to a new stage career development during later life. She also investigates intergenerational education and intergenerational relationships. She is a member of the York University Centre for Aging Research and Education in Toronto.
Richard Fry

Richard Fry is a senior economist at the Pew Research Center Social & Demographic Trends project. His empirical research areas include young adult demographics, living arrangements, economic well-being, and participation in housing markets. His research strives to be timely and is aimed for general audiences. He has appeared on PBS’ News Hour and is frequently featured in major national business media, including the NY Times and The Wall St Journal.
Jill L. Grant

Jill L. Grant FCIP LPP is Professor of Planning at Dalhousie University. She has authored dozen s of articles, chapters, reports, and five books, including Seeking Talent for Creative Cities (2014, University of Toronto Press) and Planning the Good Community: New urbanism in theory and practice (2006, Routledge).
Junfeng Jiao

Junfeng Jiao is Assistant Professor in the Community and Regional Planning program and director of Urban Information Lab at UTSOA. He received his PhD in Urban Design and Planning from the University of Washington. His primary interest is built environment and healthy community planning. He has worked on projects funded by the NIH, USDOT, WSDOT, RWJF, and others, which have been published in a wide array of internationally recognized academic journals and as book chapters.
Deirdre Pfeiffer

Deirdre Pfeiffer is an Associate Professor in the School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning at Arizona State University and a member of the American Institute of Certified Planners. Dr. Pfeiffer is a housing planning scholar, with expertise on housing as a cause and effect of growing social inequality and the role of housing planning in meeting the needs of diverse social groups. Her current research appears in Journal of the American Planning Association, Journal of Planning Education and Research, Housing Studies, and Housing Policy Debate.
Kelcie Ralph

Kelcie Ralph is an Assistant Professor at the Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy at Rutgers University. Dr. Ralph earned her PhD in Urban Planning at the UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs. Her award winning doctoral thesis investigated the causes and consequences of the decline in driving by Millennials in the United States. In her research, Dr. Ralph seeks to 1) better understand travel behavior (particularly of women, children, and adolescents), 2) to evaluate efforts to change travel behavior, and 3) to explore the importance of perceptions for planners and the public alike.
Ren Thomas

Ren Thomas is Assistant Professor at Dalhousie University. She has conducted research in the areas of housing, transportation, and immigration in urban centers. Her research on the housing and transportation choices of immigrants focused on Filipinos in Toronto, particularly aspects of housing affordability and transit accessibility. While at the University of Amsterdam she worked on an international comparison of case studies in transit-oriented development to determine how city-regions could implement TOD using lessons learned from other countries.
Jake Wegmann

Jake Wegmann is an Assistant Professor in the Community and Regional Planning program at the University of Texas at Austin since 2014. His research takes a broad view of housing affordability in hot market cities, touching on such topics as unpermitted housing in US cities, Accessory Dwelling Units, the cost efficiency of subsidized housing production, the impacts of short-term rentals on housing markets, and various others. He received his PhD at the University of California, Berkeley. Prior to academia, Jake managed projects for various for- and nonprofit affordable housing developers in Denver and San Francisco.