Young adult household income in Canada, 1976-2008: Average and relative to the population 35 years of age and older - alternative text

A bar/line graph showing, on average, that as time progresses from 1976 to 2007, the household income ratio of young adults / 35+ decreases while the average young adult household income increases.

  • x-axis: Years from 1976 to 2008
  • Left y-axis: Household Income ($2008)
  • Right y-axis: Income Young Adult/Income 35+

Notes: Inflation adjusted ($2008) household income for households with a maintainer 25 to 34 years of age. Three-year running averages shown. Ratio divides household income of young adults by the household income of households with maintainers 35 years of age or older.

Source: Calculated using data drom the Survey of Consumer Finance (1976-1993) and the Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics (1993-2008) available through: Statistics Canada (2008). Analysis Series: Income in Canada 2008 (Data Tables). Retrieved from: