Kristin Brown completed a Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy in the School of Public Health and Health Systems under Dr. Elliott's supervision. Prior to graduate studies, she completed a Bachelor of Science in medical sciences and biology at Western University.
Kristin's master's research explored teacher and principal experiences implementing the Ontario Daily Physical Activity policy in elementary schools. Her dissertation used mixed methods to explore the knowledge translation components of COMPASS, a longitudinal study of high school students’ health. Her dissertation findings influenced change in COMPASS knowledge translation practices, and suggested ways to enhance interactions between researchers and schools.
Kristin now works as an Educational Developer for Teaching Assistant Training and Writing Support at the University of Waterloo Centre for Teaching Excellence, where she blends her loves of research and teaching.
Read Kristin's doctorate thesis, Narrowing the Knowledge to Action Gap: A Mixed Methods Exploration of the Implementation of Knowledge Exchange Strategies.
- Brown, K. M., Elliott, S. J., Robertson-Wilson, J., Vine, M. M., & Leatherdale, S. T. (2017). “Now what?” perceived factors influencing knowledge exchange in school health research. Health Promotion Practice. Advance online publication. doi:10.1177/1524839917732037
- Brown, K.M., Diplock, K.J., & Majowicz, S.E. The environment in which behaviours are learned: a pilot assessment of high school teaching kitchens as food safety learning environments in Ontario. Environmental Health Review, 59(3): 88-95. doi: 10.5864/d2016-018
- Brown, K.M., Elliott, S.J., Leatherdale, S.T. & Robertson-Wilson, J. (2015). Searching for rigour in the reporting of mixed methods population health research: a methodological review. Health Education Research, 30(6), 811-839. doi: 10.1093/her/cyv046
- Brown, K.M. & Elliott, S.J. (2015). “It’s not as easy as just saying 20 minutes a day”: Exploring teacher and principal experiences implementing a provincial physical activity policy. Universal Journal of Public Health, 3(2), 71-83. doi: 10.13189/ujph.2015.030204
- Brown, K.M., Fenton, N.E., Lynd, L.D., Marra, C.A., FitzGerald, J.M.... Elliott, S.J. (2015). Canadian policy on food allergen labelling: Consumers’ perspectives regarding unmet needs. Universal Journal of Public Health, 3, 41-48. doi: 10.13189/ujph.2015.020906.
- Brown, K. (2013). “Where do you get that extra 20 minutes a day?” Understanding how local-level environmental factors shape the implementation of Ontario’s Daily Physical Activity Policy (Master's Thesis). [PDF]
- Brown, K.M., Elliott, S.J., & Leatherdale, S.T. (2016, October). Using knowledge exchange strategies to enhance research impact: Lessons learned from the COMPASS Study. Paper presented at the Canadian Association of Geographers of Ontario Conference, Waterloo, ON.
- Brown, K. M., Elliott, S. J., Leatherdale, T. S. (2016, June). How does it work? Exploring researchers’ experiences implementing knowledge exchange in public schools. Poster presented at the Canadian Public Health Association Annual Conference, Toronto, ON.
- Brown, K., & Elliott, S. J. (2015, July). Searching for rigour in mixed methods health research: A methodological review. Paper presented at the International Medical Geography Symposium, Vancouver, BC.
- Brown, K., & Elliott, S. J. (2013, June). Understanding how local-level environmental factors shape the implementation of Ontario’s Daily Physical Activity Policy. Paper presented at the Canadian Public Health Association Annual Conference, Ottawa, ON.
- Brown, K., & Elliott, S. J. (2013, July). It’s not as easy as just saying 20 minutes a day: Understanding the role of place in the implementation of a school-based physical activity policy. Paper presented at the International Medical Geographers’ Symposium, East Lansing, MI.