The Global Water Futures Open Science Meeting typically provides an opportunity to come together to share, learn, plan and celebrate scientific achievements, building on progress and momentum of the program.
This year however is unique and in light of the current COVID-19 situation across Canada and the world, the GWF Annual Open Science Meeting (GWF2020) scheduled for 11-13 May, 2020 in Waterloo, Ontario has gone virtual.
A key component of the annual meeting is the poster session that showcases specific research projects of GWF faculty, post-doctoral researchers and students. We are delighted to announce that the 2020 GWP poster session is now open for viewing on-line. The virtual format includes a wide variety of research posters, a compendium of abstracts, and an online policy panel discussion.
Browse the aisles of the virtual poster gallery here to see the innovative work our researchers have contributed spanning themes from innovations in water science and technology to turning research into policy and management. Thank you to everyone for their submission of an abstract for an oral or poster presentation – the conference planning committee received close to 350 abstracts this year!
The GWF2020 abstracts are now available as a Compendium of Abstracts sorted according to the meeting’s themes here.
Enjoy the virtual program and we look forward to seeing you next year.

Global Water Futures 2020 virtual poster session dashboard.