Supporting evidence to secure the SDGs & Opening Introduction to Series

Tuesday, February 23, 2021 8:00 am - 9:30 am EST (GMT -05:00)
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University of Strathclyde is hosting a webinar series led by Strathclyde and its global partner Universities on how Universities can contribute to the acceleration of progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals.

Using the COVID-19 pandemic as a basis, this webinar will examine the role of Universities, and international collaborations in the provision of an evidence base for COVID-19 prevention measures. Using real world examples from the COVID-19 Hygiene Hub, we will discuss how academics have worked hand in hand with government, private and third sector, civil society and communities to support and inform COVID-19 response, and how this can be used as a foundation to ensure long term gains in health and hygiene to support attainment of the SDGs.