University of Strathclyde Delegation Visit

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

The University of Waterloo welcomed a delegation from the University of Strathclyde last week (27 and 28 March 2019).

University of Strathclyde Delegation Visit

Led by Dr. Olga Kozlova – the Director of Innovation and Industry Engagement – delegation members also included Alan Feighery and Emer McDougall. Strathclyde colleagues visited Velocity (including attendance at the Velocity Fund finals), Communitech, the Accelerator Centre, Co-operative Education and had additional meetings with WatCo and the Faculty of Engineering.  The Waterloo International team – led by Associate Vice-President, International, Dr. Ian Rowlands – thanks all local colleagues for their engagement with our visitors, and thanks the University of Strathclyde for taking the time and making the effort to come visit! ... We look forward to continued work together!