Led by the Ministry of Education China, Chinese University Leaders visited the University for a two-day visit on Monday, November 5 and Tuesday, November 6, 2018. The goal of the visit was to gain insight on university management and operations, especially in the areas of Co-operative education, Campus wellness, Teaching excellence and professional development, International and Industrial research, and Student innovation & entrepreneurship.

Delegates from Chinese Universities led by the Ministry of Education:
Ge Zhenjiang, Director, Service Centre for Government Agencies, Ministry of Education
Yi Jun, Division Director, Department of Language and Information Management, MOE
Peng Kewei,deputy director of general office,National Academy of Education Administration (NAEA)
Hao Yulong, Chairman of University Council, North China Institute of Aerospace Engineering
Zhang Xiangjing, Vice President, Hebei University of Chinese Medicine
Zhang Decai, Deputy Chairman of University Council, Mudanjiang Medical University
Gao Huaiquan,Chairman of University Council,Bengbu Medical College
Huang Xianhuai,Vice President, Anhui Jianzhu University
Zhu Du,Vice President,Jiangxi Science and Technology Normal University
Wu Lei,Vice President,Gannan Normal University
Yu Benhai,Vice President,Xinyang Normal University
Lyu Haibo,Vice President,Hezhou University
Zhang Qiang,Deputy Chairman of University Council,Southwest University of S&T
Zhao Xiaofeng,Deputy Chairman of University Council, Xi’an Polytechnic University
An Zengwang,Vice President,Xi'an University of Posts & Telecommunications
Luan Hong,Deputy Chairman of University Council, Baoji University of Arts and Sciences
Li Tao,Vice President, Hubei University of Medicine
Fu Yongchang,Deputy Chairman of University Council, Hanjiang Normal University
Tang Jun,Chairman of University Council, Hubei University of Arts and Science
Wang Saiyu,Vice President, Hubei Normal University
Feridun Hamdullahpur, President and Vice-Chancellor
Trevor Holmes, Senior Instructional Developer, Faculty Programs and Research, Centre for Teaching Excellence (CTE)
Ross Johnston, Executive Director, Co-operative Education
Drew Knight, Director, Global Research and Strategic Alliances, Office of Research
Norah McRae, Associate Provost, Co-operative and Experiential Education
Walter Mittelstaedt, Director, Campus Wellness
Chris Read, Associate Provost, Students
Ian Rowlands, Associate Vice-President, International
Paul Salvini, CEO, Accelerator Centre (AC); Associate Vice-President, Research Commercialization
Zhongchao Tan, Professor, Engineering; Executive Director, Tsinghua-Waterloo Joint Research Center for Micro/Nano Energy and Environmental Technology (JCMEET)
Peter Teertstra, Director, Sedra Student Design Centre
Suping Zhao, International Relations Manager and Special Advisor -China, Waterloo Int’l