Leaders from the University of Waterloo were delighted to welcome a delegation of staff and faculty from the Suranaree University of Technology in Thailand. With discussions centring around the University of Waterloo's Co-operative Education and Entrepreneurship programs, the visit also included an overview of the Conrad Business Centre and a tour of the Accelerator Centre.

Delegates from Suranaree University of Technology:
Dr. Weerapong Pairsuwan, Rector
Dr. Santi Maensiri, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs and Internationalization
Dr. Kongpol Areerak, Director of the Centre for Coop Education & Career Development
Dr. Weerachai Arjharn, Director of Technopolis
Dr. Adisak Suvittawat, Lecturer of School of Management Technology
Dr. Issra Pramoolsook, Assistant to the Rector for SUT Council Affairs
Participants from University of Waterloo:
Feridun Hamdullahpur, University President & Vice-Chancellor
George Dixon, Vice President, Academic and Provost
Ian Rowlands, Associate Vice-President, International
Anne Fannon, Director of Waterloo Professional Development and EDGE
Vinitha Gengatharan, Director, Waterloo International
Ross Johnston, Executive Director, Co-operative Education and Career Actions
Tabatha Laverty, Communication Manager, Accelerator Centre
Judene Pretti, Director, Waterloo Centre for the Advancement of Co-operative Education
Mark Weber, Eyton Director, Conrad Business, Entrepreneurship and Technology Centre
Suping Zhao, International Relations Manager and Special Advisor China, Waterloo International