Welcome to Winter 2020! Important Dates Below
The executive director for Winter 2020 is Andres Garcia Rodriguez. Please complete the Contact Us form if you have any questions.
The executive director for Winter 2020 is Andres Garcia Rodriguez. Please complete the Contact Us form if you have any questions.
We are now accepting funding proposals and nominations for Funding Council!
Project Funding Proposals: Proposals are due on October 23rd at 11:59PM ET. To submit a proposal, fill out a proposal form (found here) by the due date.
The Math Endowment Fund (MEF) executive director for Fall 2019 is Andres Garcia Rodriguez. If you have any questions please email him at mefcom@uwaterloo.ca.
Please keep a look out on this website and in e-mails for any updates on this term's proposal and funding council deadlines and the upcoming elections.
MEF office is located in Mathematics and Computing 1015. If you have any difficulties finding the office, please e-mail the Executive Director.
The executive director for Spring 2019 is Alice Wang. Please complete the Contact Us form if you have any questions.
Project funding proposals are due June 24th at 11:59pm ET.We have also started accepting professional development funding proposals on a first-come, first-served basis.
The Math Endowment Fund (MEF) executive director for Winter 2019 is Jason Li. If you have any questions please fill out the Contact Us form.
Important Dates
We are now accepting funding proposals for both Project Funding and Professional Development Funding! The deadline for Project Funding proposals will be on February 22nd at 7pm.
The Math Endowment Fund (MEF) executive director for Fall 2018 is Sunny Li. If you have any questions please email her at mefcom@uwaterloo.ca.
Please keep a look out on this website and in e-mails for any updates on this term's proposal and funding council deadlines and the upcoming elections.
To see a list of all projects funded by MEF, check out the Project Funded page!
Director Nominations are now open for the Undergraduate Representative position on the Board of Directors! There are 2 open spots.
Nomination forms can be found here and are due in the MathSoc office (MC 3038) or at mefcom@uwaterloo.ca on July 13th at 5pm ET.
Funding Council will be meeting on Wednesday, July 4th and Thursday, July 5th in MC 5479 from 6:00pm to 8:30pm. Please contact the executive director if you would like to attend and watch this term's proposal presntations.
We are no longer accepting professional development funding proposals for the Spring 2018 term. We will resume accepting proposal forms at the beginning of the Fall 2018 term.
Thank you for your enthusiasm!