The Network for Aging Research has launched a call for the 2018 Spring Catalyst Grant.
NAR invites qualified researchers, from the University of Waterloo, to submit applications for exploratory research or new aspects of current research, across a variety of aging-related domains.
In June 2017, NAR hosted community members, including those who work or volunteer with older adults, and researchers, at a symposium involving an aging research priority setting activity. For this call, NAR is strongly encouraging researchers to propose projects that are aligned with one of the identified priorities. It is expected that Catalyst funding will contribute to an external funding application within two years of receipt of catalyst funding. Funds of $120,000 are available to fund multiple catalyst grants up to a maximum of $10,000 each. To encourage cross-disciplinary collaboration, applications with co-PIs from two faculties and with significant involvement of more than one faculty, may request up to $20,000 for their project.
Applications are due to Sheila Bodemer no later than June 12, 2018 at 4:00PM
For more information, and to access the application forms, visit the Catalyst Grant page.