Aging-focused researchers at the University of Waterloo

meet the team

Below is a list of aging-focused researchers, and other faculty and staff members who participate in the Network for Aging Research (NAR). Learn more about our history.



English Language and Literature


ramona bobocel
Ramona Bobocel Former chair, Canadian Society for Industrial & Organizational Psychology; ResearchGate; Research Website - Fairness at Work Lab
james danckert
James Danckert Former Canada Research Chair (Tier II) in Cognitive Neuroscience; Researcher, NPD; ResearchGate; Research Website
richard eibach
Richard Eibach Faculty of Arts Associate Dean, Undergraduate Studies; ResearchGate
myra fernandes
Myra Fernandes Cognitive Neuroscience Research Area Head; Director, WRAP Pool; Research Scientist, RIA; Researcher, NPD; ResearchGate; Research Website
igor grossmann
Igor Grossmann ResearchGate; Research Website
ian mcgregor
Ian McGregor Experimental Science of Human Motivations and Relations; ResearchGate
uzzma rehman
Uzma Rehman ResearchGate; Research Website
micheal ross
Michael Ross Distinguished Professor Emeritus;  ResearchGate

Sociology and Legal studies


Civil and Environmental Engineering

Electrical and Computer Engineering

kerstin dautenhahn
Kerstin Dautenhahn Canada 150 Research Chair in Intelligent RoboticsDirector of the Social and Intelligent Robotics Research Laboratory (SIRRL); ResearchGate
 Moojan Ghafurian
Moojan Ghafurian; Co-director of Social and Intelligent Robotics Research Lab (SIRRL)ResearchGate; Research Website
danica kulic

Dana Kulic ResearchGate

Currently on leave from UW and is serving as Director of the Robotics research group at Monash University

alfred yu
Alfred Yu Assistant Vice-President (Research and International); Director of NSERC CREATE Program on Next-Generation Innovations in Ultrasonics (N-GENIUS); ResearchGate; Research Website - Laboratory on Innovative Technology in Medical Ultrasound (LITMUS)

Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering (MME)

Systems Design Engineering

jennifer boger
Jennifer Boger Schlegel Chair in Technology for Independent Living, RIA;ResearchGate; Research Website - Intelligent Technologies for Wellness and Independent Living Lab
shi cao
Shi Cao ResearchGate; Research Website - Human Optimization Modelling Lab (HOMLab)
jonathan kofman
Jonathan Kofman Cross-appointed in Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering; ResearchGate; Research Website
katja mombaur
Katja Mombaur Canada Excellence Research Chair; Joint appointment with Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering; Cross-appointed in Applied Mathematics; ResearchGate; Research Website
Dr. Cosmin Munteanu
Cosmin Munteanu Schlegel Research Chair in Technology for Healthy Aging; ResearchGate; Research Website
thomas willett
Thomas Willett Director, Biomedical Engineering graduate program; ResearchGate; Research Website - Waterloo Composite Biomaterial Systems Lab


Environment, Resources and Sustainability

Geography and Environmental Management

School of Planning


Kinesiology and Health Sciences

stacey acker portrait
Stacey Acker ResearchGate; Research Website - Biomechanics of Human Mobility Lab
portrait of michael barnett-cowan
Michael Barnett-Cowan Associate Chair of Graduate Studies; ResearchGate
portrait of ​Michaela Devries-Aboud
Michaela Devries-Aboud ResearchGate
clark dickerson
Clark Dickerson Canada Research Chair in Shoulder Mechanics; Cross-appointed in Systems Design Engineering; ResearchGate
robin duncan
Robin Duncan Cross-appointed in Biology; ResearchGate; Research Website - Lipid Enzyme Discovery Lab
lora Giangregorio
Lora Giangregorio Research Scientist, Research Institute for Aging; ResearchGate; Research Website - Bone Health and Exercise Science Lab (BonES)
richard hughson
Richard Hughson Research Scientist, Research Institute for Aging; Schlegel Research Chair, Vascular Aging and Brain Health; ResearchGate
heather keller
Heather Keller Schlegel Research Chair, Nutrition and Aging; Research Scientist, Agri-food for Healthy Aging; ResearchGate
andrew laing
Andrew Laing Director, Injury Biomechanics and Aging Laboratory; Research Scientist, Research Institute for Aging; ResearchGate
portrait of monica maly
Monica Maly University Research Chair; ResearchGate; Research Website - Mobilize Clinical Biomechanics Lab
bill mcilroy
Bill McIlroy Researcher, Neurological Patient Database (NPD); Senior Scientist at Sunnybrook Research InstituteResearchGate; Research Website - Neuroscience, Mobility and Balance Lab (NiMBaL)
laura middleton
Laura Middleton Research Scientist, Research Institute for Aging; Schlegel Research Chair in Dementia and Active Living; Researcher, Neurological Patient Database (NPD); ResearchGate; Research Website - Brian and Body Lab
portrait of mourtzakis
Marina Mourtzakis Cross-appointed in School of Public Health Sciences; Associate Dean, Research; ResearchGate; Research Website - Integrative Metabolism and Body Composition (IMBC) Lab
Ewa Niechwiej-Szwedo
Ewa Niechwiej-Szwedo ResearchGate; Research Website - Visuomotor Development and Learning Lab
joe quadrilatero
Joe Quadrilatero Cross-appointed in Biology; ResearchGate; Research Website - Skeletal Muscle Biology and Cell Death Laboratory
eric roy
Eric Roy Director, Waterloo Research in Aging Participant (WRAP) Pool; Researcher, Neurological Patient Database (NPD); cross appointment with Psychology; ResearchGate
james rush
James Rush Professor, Vice-president Academic Provost; ResearchGate
portrait of richard staines
Richard Staines Associate Dean of Research; Researcher, Neurological Patient Database (NPD); Research Website - Sensorimotor Integration and Neuroplasticity (SINAPs) Lab
portrait of jackie stapleton
Jackie Stapleton Liaison Librarian for School of Public Health and Health Systems and Department of Kinesiology (assists with Health research)
ken stark
Ken Stark Canada Research Chair in Nutritional Lipidomics; Research Scientist, Agri-food for Healthy Aging; ResearchGate; Research Website - Laboratory of Nutritional Lipidomics
russell tupling
Russell Tupling Chair, Department of Kinesiology and Health Sciences; ResearchGate; Research Website - SERCA Pumps in Muscle, Metabolism and Physiology Lab
karen van ooteghem
Karen Van Ooteghem ResearchGate
richard wells
Richard Wells Professor Emeritus; Former Director, Centre of Research Expertise for the Prevention of Musculoskeletal Disorders (CRE-MSD); ResearchGate

Recreation and Leisure Studies

karla boluk
Karla Boluk ResearchGate
sherry dupuis
Sherry Dupuis Professor Emerita; University Research Chair; Co-lead of Partnerships in Dementia Care (PiDC); Research Scientist, RIA; ResearchGate
Troy Glover
Troy Glover Director of Healthy Communities Research Network; ResearchGate
mark havitz
Mark Havitz Distinguished Professor Emeritus; ResearchGate
kimberly lopez
Kimberly Lopez Google Scholar
steven e mock
Steven Mock Previous Interim Director, NAR; cross-appointed to School of Public Health Sciences; ResearchGate
bryan smale
Bryan Smale Professor Emeritus; Director, Canadian Index of Wellbeing; ResearchGate

School of Public Health Sciences

ashok chaurasia
Ashok Chaurasia ResearchGate
peter hall
Peter Hall Cross-appointed to Psychology and Pharmacy; ResearchGate; Research Website - Prevention Neuroscience Laboratory
george heckman
George Heckman Schlegel Research Chair, Geriatric Medicine; Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine at McMaster University;  ResearchGate
john hirdes
John Hirdes Senior Canadian Fellow Board Member, interRAI; ResearchGate
craig janes
Craig Janes Professor Emeritus; ResearchGate
lili liu
Lili Liu Dean of Faculty of Health; ResearchGate
Carrie McAiney
Carrie McAiney Schlegel Research Chair in Dementia; Adjunct Professor, Department of Family Medicine, McGill University; ResearchGate
john mielke
John Mielke Cross-appointed to Biology and Pharmacy; Google Scholar
plinio morita
Plinio Morita Director, NAR; Cross-appointed to Systems Design Engineering; Research Scientist, Research Institute for Aging; Assistant Professor (status only), Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation, University of Toronto;  Research Scientist, Centre for Global eHealth Innovation, Techna Institute, University Health Network; ResearchGate; Research Website - Ubiquitous Health Technology Lab (UbiLab)
anita myers
Anita Myers Distinguished Professor Emerita; Cross-appointed to Kinesiology; ResearchGate
mark oremus
Mark Oremus Associate Scientific Director, Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging; Associate Researcher, Gilbrea Centre; ResearchGate
chris perlman
Chris Perlman ResearchGate; Research Website - Mental Health and Addictions Policy and Systems Research Group
paul stolee
Paul Stolee Distinguished Professor Emeritus; Former Director of NAR; ResearchGate
suzanne tyas
Suzanne Tyas ResearchGate; Research Website - Epidemiology of Cognitive Aging and Resilience Research Group


Applied Mathematics

Dr. Anita Layton
Anita Layton Cross-appointed to Computer Science, Pharmacy, and Biology; Canada 150 Research Chair in Mathematical Biology and Medicine; Associate Dean, Research and International, Faculty of Mathematics;  Chair, UW's Research Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Council; Google Scholar; Research Website

Computer Science

Data and Artificial Intelligene Institute

Statistics and Actuarial Science





School of Optometry and Vision Science

Image of Dr. Vivian Choh
Vivian Choh Associate Director (Research), School of Optometry and Vision Science
lisa christian
Lisa Christian  Associate Director of Clinical Education; ResearchGate
chris hudson
Chris Hudson ResearchGate
Image of Dr. Lyndon Jones

Lyndon Jones Director of the Centre for Ocular Research & Education (CORE); Research Gate

Image of Dr. Shamroze (Zay) Khan
Shamrozé Khan Google Scholar
tammy lebreche
Tammy Labreche Director of the Centre for Sight Enhancement; ResearchGate
susan leat
Susan Leat Professor Emerita; ResearchGate
Image of Dr. William Ngo
William Ngo Research Gate
Image of Dr. Ben Thompson
Ben Thompson CEO and Scientific Director, Centre for Eye and Vision Research (CEVR)Research Gate; Research Website - Human Visual Neuroscience Laboratory

School of Pharmacy

michael beazly
Michael Beazely Cross-appointed to  Biology and School of Public Health Sciences; Chair of Rural Substance Use at Gateway CERH; Associate Dean, Graduate and Postdoctoral Scholars, Faculty of Science; ResearchGate
feng chang
Feng Chang ResearchGate
kelly grindrod
Kelly Grindrod Associate Director, Clinical Education; ResearchGate; Research Website - Digital Medication Management
sherilyn houle
Sherilyn Houle ResearchGate; Research Website
colleen maxwell
Colleen Maxwell ResearchGate
praveen nekkar rao
Praveen Nekkar Rao ResearchGate; Research Website - Medicinal and Bioorganic Chemistry Lab
tejal patel
Tejal Patel  Schlegel Specialist in Medication Management and Aging;  ResearchGate

Conrad Grebel University College

Theological Studies

Renison University College

School of Social Work

St. Jerome's University


Andrew Stumpf
Andrew Stumpf Cross-appointed to Religious Studies; Acting Director, Health Humanities

Staff members at UWaterloo

Office of Research

andrew barker
Andrew Barker Director, Institutional Research
leslie copp
Leslie Copp Associate Director, Funding Agencies and Non-Profit Sponsors