Meet the SoAR Team

       Team Leads   

A headshot of team lead Har Hameed.
A headshot of team lead Simran Mughal.

Event Leads

A headshot of Michelle Vuong.
A headshot of Kayla Dolman.


A medium close-up shot of Hana Dakkak.
A medium close-up shot of Amy Matharu.

Marketing and Communications

A medium close-up of Arthur Eduardo Casagrande Pinto on a balcony, with a mountainous landscape and city in the background.
A medium-length shot of Pershia Norouzian.


A headshot of Tara Kuhn.

Website Manager

A medium close-up shot of Alex Cocco
This white square is here a space!

Hajr Hameed

Hajr is a PhD student in the Department of Kinesiology and Health Sciences. Her research aims to understand the complex relationship between gait and cognition to identify subclinical predictors of neurodegenerative diseases. Outside of research, Hajr enjoys spending time with friends, reading, and taking care of her pet bunny.

This white square is here a space!

Simran Mughal

Simran is a first-year PhD student in the Sensorimotor Integration and Neuroadaptive Plasticity (SINAP) Lab, with her research focusing on neuroplasticity mechanisms and the cerebellum's role in cognition. She is the co-chair of the Symposium on Aging Research (SoAR) and the neuroscience representative for the KGSA. Outside the lab, she enjoys reading and listening to music. 

This white square is here a space!

Michelle Vuong

Michelle is a second year PhD student in the Epidemiology of Cognitive Aging and Resilience Lab. Her research examines the association between various factors that occur throughout a life course on later-life cognitive reserve and the development of dementia. Outside of the lab, she enjoys playing with her cat, reading, baking, pilates, and travelling. Michelle is one of the event leads for the SoAR planning committee.  

This white square is here a space!

Kayla Dolman

Kayla is a PhD student in the Department of Kinesiology and Health Sciences specializing in neuroscience. Her research and doctoral thesis examine the long-term effects of concussive brain injuries on mechanisms of sensorimotor integration. Outside of academia, Kayla enjoys traveling with her partner, experimenting with new dessert recipes, and spending time with her friends and family.

This white square is here a space!

Hana Dakkak

Hana Dakkak is a registered dietitian and Ph.D. Candidate in the Department of Kinesiology and Health Sciences (Aging, Health, and Well-being). She is a Registered Dietitian working in Long-term Care (LTC). Hana completed her BSc with Honours Specialization in Nutrition and Dietetics, and her MSc in Foods and Nutrition (Internship Stream) at Western University in London Ontario.  Hana is part of the Dining in Residential Care Team (DIReCT), Dementia Resources for Eating, Activity, and Meaningful Inclusion (DREAM), Wet your Whistle with Water (W3) research teams, and Seniors in the Community: Risk Evaluation for Eating and Nutrition (SCREEN) Validation study. For her research, Hana is examining swallowing problems and eating challenges among Older adults living in the community, especially those living with dementia.

This white square is here a space!

Amy Matharu

Amy Matharu is a fourth year PhD Candidate in the Aging, Health and Well-being program within the Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies. She holds a BSc. in Health Studies with a minor in Gerontology and specialization in Health Research from the University of Waterloo and a MSc. in Gerontology from King’s College London in the UK. Her current research interests include feminism, gender, retirement, sport, and aging and her dissertation work explores the retirement experience of competitive bodybuilders.

This white square is here a space!

Arthur Casagrande Pinto

Hello! I am Arthur, I just started my MSc in the department of Kinesiology and hope to dive deeper in exploring biomarkers related to neurodegenerative disease throughout my studies. Outside of school, I enjoy watching history documentaries, running and playing with my cat.

This white square is here a space!

Pershia Norouzian

Pershia is a PhD candidate in the Department of Kinesiology. Her research uses virtual reality in rehabilitation outcomes for Parkinson's Disease. In her free time she enjoys exercise and reading.

This white square is here a space!

Tara Kuhn

Tara is a PhD Candidate in the Department of Kinesiology and Health Sciences. Her research looks at how lifestyle factors promote health in aging population. Specifically, her doctoral thesis examines how sleep and physical activity relate to dementia risk. When she isn't doing research, Tara is skating or lifting weights. Tara is the treasurer for the SoAR planning committee.

This white square is here a space!

Alex Cocco

Alex is a second-year MSc student in the Faculty of Health's Kinesiology department. He has been thoroughly enjoying his time in the program, after finishing his BSc in Kinesiology at Western University. He is a returning member to the SoAR planning commitee. He enjoys biking and finding good deals on good food in his spare time.