PhD, Geography, McMaster University, 2012
MA, Geography, University of Toronto, 2007
BA (Hons), Geography, History, Women's Studies, University of Toronto Mississauga, 2006
Certifications and Memberships
- Registered Professional Planner (RPP), Ontario Professional Planners Institute(OPPI)
- Member of Canadian Institute of Planners (MCIP), Canadian Institute of Planners(CIP)
Contact information
519-888-4567 ext. 49107
Location: EV3 3221
Research expertise
- Place effects on health and wellbeing
- Planning for immigrant settlement and integration
- Active, sustainable and equitable transportation for health and well-being
- Planning education, ethics and professional responsibility
- Qualitative, mixed-methods, and community-engaged research
Academic honours
- Plan ON Innovative Research Award, Ontario Professional Planners Institute (with Dr. S. Biglieri, Toronto Metropolitan University) (2023)
- Outstanding Performance Awards, University of Waterloo (2020, 2023)
Current research opportunities
I am currently recruiting graduate students in the following areas:
- Planning for immigrant settlement and integration in smaller communities
- Place effects on health and wellbeing
- Planning education, ethics and professional responsibility
- Active transportation and micro-mobility solutions for health and inclusion
Contact Jennifer Dean for more information on research opportunities for students.
Research grants/projects
- Immigrant settlement in rural communities: Exploring access to the social determinants of health (Principal Investigator)
- Funded by: SSHRC Insight Development Grant
- From Classrooms to Boardrooms: Building Student Competence in Professional Responsibility and Ethics through Work-Integrated Learning (Principal Investigator)
- Funded by: UW LITE Seed Grant
- Mobilizing Justice: Towards evidence-based transportation equity policy (Co-Investigator, PI: S. Farber, University of Toronto)
- Funded by: SSHRC Partnership Grant
- New Mobility Analysis: Evaluating the impact of e-scooters in Waterloo.
(Principal Investigator with C. Woudsma)- Contract: City of Waterloo and Region of Waterloo
- Implementing Active Transportation Initiatives for a Healthier Region of Waterloo (Nominated Principal Applicant)
- Funded by: CIHR- Planning Grant: Implementing Healthy Urban Policy
Recent/key publications
Peer Reviewed Articles (selected):
Dean, J. & S. Edge (2024). Migration, wellbeing in and of place. Well-being, Space & Society, 6, 100199.
Edge, S., Zhuang, Z. C., & J. Dean. (2024). Reshaping essential public spaces and services: towards socio-spatial justice in a post-pandemic era. Town Planning Review, 95(5), 485-504.
Biglieri, S., & J. Dean. (2024). Fostering mobility for people living with dementia in suburban neighborhoods through land use, urban design and wayfinding. Journal of Planning Education and Research, 44(3), 1704-1718.
Leger, S., Dean, J., Thompson, C. & Collins P. (2023). "Nothing in my years of community organizing has affected me as deeply as this closure did”: A critical exploration of the socio-spatial consequences of public-school closures in Ontario, Canada. Canadian Planning and Policy; 2023, 38-61.
Vine, M. M., Mulligan, K., Harris, R., & J. Dean. (2023). The Impact of Health Geography on Public Health Research, Policy, and Practice in Canada. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(18), 6735.
Edge, S., Davis, C., Dean, J., Onilude, Y., Rishworth, A., & Wilson, K. (2023). The role of urban and rural greenspaces in shaping immigrant wellbeing and settlement in place. Wellbeing, Space and Society, 4, 100127.
Rishworth, A., Niraula, A., Dean, J., Wilson, K., Ghassemi, E., & Baldo, A. (2023). Rural futures? Mapping newcomers' hopes about potential resettlement in Canadian rural areas. The Canadian Geographer/Le Géographe canadien, 67(2), 253-271.
Rishworth, A., Dean, J., Wilson, K., & Edge, S. (2022). Contested and (un) realized capabilities of wellbeing in rural places in Canada: Contemplating immigrants’ realities. Wellbeing, Space and Society, 100113.
Edge, S., Goodfield, J. & J. Dean. (2020). Shifting gears on sustainable transport transitions: Stakeholder perspectives on e-bikes in Toronto, Canada. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 36, 197-208.
Dean, J., Biglieri, S.,Drescher, M., Casello, J., Glover, T. & A. Garnett. (2020). Thinking relationally about built environments and walkability: A study of adult walking behavior in Waterloo, Ontario. Health and Place, 64, 1-17.
Dean, J., Wray, AJ., Braun, L., Casello, J., Grower, S. & L. McCallum. (2019). Handing Over the keys: A framework for considering the future health impacts of autonomous vehicles. BMC Public Health. 19(1), 1258.
Patel, A., Dean, J., Edge., S., Wilson, K. & E. Ghassemi. (2019). Double Burden of rural migration in Canada? Considering the social determinants of health related to immigrant settlement outside the Cosmopolis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(5); 678-698.
Leger, S. Dean, J., Edge., S. &J. Casello. (2019). "If I had a regular bicycle, I wouldn’t be out riding anymore”: Perspectives on the potential of e-bikes to support active living and independent mobility among older adults in Waterloo, Canada. Transportation Research A: Policy and Practice. 123; 240-254.
Lee, E., & Dean, J. (2018). Perceptions of walkability and determinants of walking behaviour among urban seniors in Toronto, Canada. Journal of Transport & Health. Online First.
Book Chapters (selected):
Dean, J. & E. Donato. (2020). New Mobility and Aging in the Suburbs in S. Biglieri & M. Hartt (Eds). Aging People, Aging Places. Refereed. Bristol, UK: Policy Press.
Godfrey, S., Dean, J. & K. Regier. (2019). Sustainable Housing in M.Moos (Ed). Housing: A Research Agenda. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.
Dean, J. (2016). Walking in their shoes: Utilizing go-along interviews to explore participant engagement with local space, in Baxter, J. & Fenton (Eds). Practicing Qualitative Research in Health Geography, Routledge. Pg. 131-148.
Working Papers and Community Reports
Linovski, O., Dean, J., Leger, S., McLaren, A., & I. Cascante. How do elected officials think about transportation equity? Policy Brief for Mobilizing Justice.
Dean, J., Zhuang, Z. & S. Edge. (2022). From classrooms to boardrooms: Applying a multi-scale coordinated approach to an anti-racist future for the Canadian planning system. Plan Canada, 61(4); 21-25.
Lewis, J., Dean, J., Chen, Y. & T. Debly. (2021). Accessible Housing Standards: Environmental Scan. Report for Canadian Standards Association and Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation.
Niraula, A., Dean, J., Edge, S., Wilson, K & Ghassemi, E. (2021). Rural community readiness for immigrant resettlement in Ontario. Working Paper prepared for Newcomer Centre of Peel.
Nooren, L., Tang, M., Dean, J., Glover, D. (2020). Supporting Community Well-Being: Reconsidering The Role of Public Spaces in Current and Future Pandemics. Report for the Region of Waterloo.
Dean, J., Donato, E. & J. Casello. (2019). Active Waterloo Biannual Report. Prepared for City of Waterloo.
Dean, J., Patel, A., Regier, K., Edge, S., Wilson, K & Ghassemi, E. (2018). Rural Immigrant Settlement and Health: Considerations for Peel Region. Working Paper prepared for Newcomer Centre of Peel.
Braun, L., Wray, AJ., Dean, J. & J. Casello. (2018). Considering the future health impacts of autonomous vehicles: A review of academic and grey literature. Report for Toronto Public Health.
Courses Taught:
- PLAN 103: Planning Governance & Administration
- PLAN 233: Social Planning & Community Development
- PLAN 300: Planning Theory and Ethics
- PLAN 432: Health and the Built Environment
- PLAN 442: Planning for Ethno-Cultural Diversity and Difference
- PLAN 474/674: Special Topics in Planning
- PLAN 471: Planning and Municipal Law
- PLAN 674: Special Topics – Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Active Transportation
- PLAN 710: Research Design for Graduate Students