We've just updated our aging-focused researchers page to include each researcher's ResearchGate profile!
You can now find a handy link to their ResearchGate profile next to their listed names.

To find a profile link, click on any department to expand it

Then, if a researcher has an existing ResearchGate profile, it will be next to their names.

ResearchGate is a social-networking site designed for academic researchers to share their content and be updated with current publications, conference papers, and journal articles of fellow researchers. Users can network with other researchers and stay connected, being notified whenever a new article is published.
Upon creation of a profile, ResearchGate will search the web for articles you have already been a part of and ask to add them under your profile, so there is no hassle in updating previous publications.
We are aiming to potentially provide a feed of new publications in the Network for Aging Research home page, and with over half of our aging-focused researchers already having an existing ResearchGate profile, we encourage you to sign up!
If you are an aging-focused researcher and would like to have your name, photo, and link to your faculty profile (and/or ResearchGate profile!) added to the website, please email Ben Chan.