Submit an abstract for the Symposium on Aging Research (SoAR)

Please complete the form below to submit an abstract for the Symposium on Aging Research (SoAR) 2020.

Before filling out the webform below, please read presentation formats below, and register for the event on the registration form page.

Presentation formats


The SoAR poster session is intended to highlight posters that feature: proposals for future research, overview of research processes, or results of student's project in an area of research related to aging. The poster session is open to all symposium attendees. Student posters will be on display throughout the duration of the symposium and there will be a dedicated presentation and networking time for conference attendees to view the posters. Submissions welcome from both graduate and upper-year undergraduate students who are involved in a research project.

General guidelines

Please format the poster as follows:

  • Maximum size: 48 inches X 48 inches
  • Information to include: Title, Authors, Department, University, Primary email contact

Rapid-fire Presentations

Selected graduate student posters (up to 15) will be asked to give a Rapid-fire Presentation on their topic. This is a brief, two-minute synopsis of your work presented through an podium presentation accompanied by two slides. The purpose of the rapid-fire presentation is to stimulate interest in the presenter’s research and facilitate opportunities for discussion and networking. Rapid-fire presentations are excellent ways to encourage delegates to visit your poster for more information. The timing of two minutes will be strictly adhered to and questions will be held to the 15-minute discussion period at the end of the session.

Podium Presentations

  • 10-minute presentation/presenter
  • five-minute discussion period/presenter

These shortened podium presentations are intended for those who have passed the phase of initial findings, but have perhaps not quite fully-developed their research projects. This is a good way to present findings from smaller studies or studies of interest to a single-disciplinary audience. Podium presentations will be 10-minutes followed by a five-minute question period.