Professor Markus Moos is the founder of Generationed City, a research project about the employment and housing challenges facing people in cities in Canada and the U.S., particularly young adults and millennials.

The talk aims to put forth a new way to frame the conversation on intergenerational inequalities — a frame that recognizes the unique challenges facing different generations. 

“There are growing divisions among generations in terms of employment prospects, earnings, housing situation, residential location, and various other characteristics," said Moos.  "Young adults are facing unique challenges, but these need to be kept in perspective of the larger changes in the economy impacting all generations."

Is Austerity Fueling the Generational Divide?

Date: Thursday, June 4, 2015

Time: 7 p.m.

Location: Roundhouse Performance Centre

181 Roundhouse Mews (Corner of Davie & Pacific)


The event is organized/sponsored by Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives and Next Up. For more information and to RSVP, please visit the event website. Space is limited.

Professor Moos is available for media interviews.

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Waterloo News


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