Examination Setup

For midterm examinations, follow the steps below to enter them into the system. Final examinations are automatically imported from the schedule published by the Registrar’s Office. You need to be designated as “Instructional Support Coordinator” in order to carry out the steps below. See Access & Roles for more information on access.

  1. Choose your seating type: Rush or Assigned. Rush means that candidates will not be assigned a specific seat; instead the system will give each candidate a list of all the rooms in which they could write the examination. This is the same information that is typically given to candidates in examinations not using the system. Assigned means candidates will be individually assigned to specific seats.

    This step only needs to be done once per offering. Choosing Rush or Assigned also tells the system that you are using it for that offering and that it should automatically set up your final examination when the final examination schedule is published. If you have no midterms but want to use the system for the final examination you should still make this choice early in the term in order for it to be set up automatically.

  2. Create the midterm(s). You should do at least this step for all midterms during the first week of classes at the latest. Fill in as many details as you know. This will allow candidates to see that they have a midterm and when it is, even though seats are not assigned until closer to the date.

    The “Authorized Uploader” is the individual who will be uploading the PDF master for printing. It defaults to the person creating the midterm examination.

  3. Optionally, set the seat and sequence assignment order.
  4. Attach rooms and set up special sittings.
  5. Upload examination master PDF. Only the “Authorized Uploader” as mentioned above can do this.

The first two steps above can and should be done during the first week of classes at the latest. The next two steps can be done as soon as room assignments are known. Master upload can be done whenever the master is ready.

Automatic Actions

In addition to the above steps that require course staff intervention, you should be aware of the following actions that take place automatically:

  1. AAS Accommodation: Every day, AccessAbility Services updates the information of candidates writing with them, moving them to special AAS sittings which typically are held in NH or LIB, as well as other locations near the AAS office.
  2. Seat Assignment: Every day, candidates in examinations being held in the next four business days are automatically assigned to seats. As soon as this is done, candidates will be able to see the information on the Web. As well, sequence numbers are assigned. Once sequence numbers are assigned, no changes may be made to seat assignments, rooms, or times. If necessary, seat assignment may also be triggered manually.