
Roles are used to grant different privileges to different people. People with different roles will be able to see different information and perform different actions within the system. Roles are granted with respect to Admin Units and Offerings.

Role Assignments

Role assignments can be granted for an admin unit or for an offering. Role assignments for an admin unit are also effective for children, grandchildren, and further descendants of that admin unit, as well as for offerings of those admin units. Role assignments for offerings are effective only for the exact offering, not for offerings of other admin units.

Many role assignments are automatically imported from the Quest class schedule and updated daily. Everybody who is listed as an instructor in Quest will be authorized as an Instructor (INST) for the corresponding offerings within the system. Additionally, if an offering has a single Instructor and no manually-assigned Instructional Support Coordinators (ISC), the sole Instructor will be automatically authorized as an Instructional Support Coordinator.

In addition to automatic role assignments to offerings, Administrators (ADMIN) can manually edit admin unit and offering authorizations. Typically Administrators will be authorized at a sufficiently high level in the admin unit hierarchy that they can work with many admin units and few changes will be needed to Administrator authorization. Individuals with continuing responsibility for a course term after term can be authorized as Instructional Support Coordinator for the corresponding admin unit.

Available Roles

These are the relevant roles that may be granted:

Code Description Privileges
INST Instructor See examinations and candidates
ISC Instructional Support Coordinator Create and update examinations
ADMIN Administrator Update authorization

There are other roles defined in the system which do not actually do anything yet. Additionally, there is a TASUP role for TA supervisors which was used to record TA supervisors from the old TA assignment system when the data were imported into the present system.