A new book from our own Dr. Doris Jakobsh
This book brings a broad, holistic approach to the study of the phenomena of the global Sikh community referred to collectively as the Panth.
This book brings a broad, holistic approach to the study of the phenomena of the global Sikh community referred to collectively as the Panth.
Living Nembutsu is a sourcebook for Jodo Shinshu Buddhists and other interested readers looking to apply Pure Land perspectives to the problems of contemporary society.
Congratulations to Doug Cowan on his new book entitled The Forbidden Body: Sex, Horror And The Religious Imagination
Congratulations to Doris Jakobsh on her new book entitled Exploring Gender and Sikh Traditions
Congratulations to Alicia Batten on her new book (co-edited with Kelly Olson) entitled Dress in Mediterranean Antiquity.
Congratulations to our faculty member, James Diamond, on his recently published book entitled Reinventing Maimonides in Contemporary Jewish Thought (Littman Library Of Jewish Civilization/Liverpool University Press, 2019), coauthored with Menachem Kellner.
Dr. Alicia Batten featured on the Classical Ideas Podcast's hundreth episode on the Epistle of James. She discusses the Epistle of James, Quelle, and the meaning of James in 2019. She dives into history; ancient economics; philosophy; the identity, reception, and interpretation of James; parallels between the letter of James and the teachings of Jesus; and more.
Congratulations to professor Doris Jakobsh on her new article "Sundri, then and now" published by Sikh Formations, Taylor and Francis online.
Please join us in congratulating professor David Perrin on his new book!
Congratulations to professor Jeff Wilson on his new article: "Buddhism Without Merit: Theorizing Buddhist Religio-Economic Activity in the Contemporary World", published by the Journal of Global Buddhism.