Facilitating need finding and problem formulation during cooperative workterms through virtual instruction - Pilot implementation results.


Nespoli, O. , Hurst, A. , & Russel, J. . (2018). Facilitating need finding and problem formulation during cooperative workterms through virtual instruction - Pilot implementation results. DS92: Proceedings of the DESIGN 2018 15th International Design Conference. Design Society.


This project aimed to teach, facilitate the learning of, and assess need finding and problem formulation skills while students were immersed in an authentic practice environment during their coop work terms. An interdisciplinary team of engineering students was placed in a manufacturing facility where they were asked to need find and propose significant problems to solve while they were taught design methods remotely. Students reported that they learned more deeply than in a classroom environment because they were able to be in constant engagement with the problems they were trying to solve.


Last updated on 07/17/2018