
Principal Investigator

Brian Ingalls

Brian Ingalls (he/him) - Bio

Graduate Students

Atiyeh Ahmadi

Atiyeh Ahmadi
PhD candidate, Biology

Sara Haghayegh Khorasani

Sara Haghayegh Khorasani
PhD candidate, Chemical Engineering

Aaron Yip

Aaron Yip
PhD candidate, Chemical Engineering


Sara Sadr
PhD candidate, Chemical Engineering

Nat Kendal-Freedman

Nat Kendal-Freedman
MMath, Applied Mathematics

Recent Alumni

Julien Smith-Roberge (PhD, Applied Math, subsequent position: postdoctoral fellow, School of Pharmacy, University of Waterloo)

Jyler Menard (MMath, subsequenct position: PhD student, Concordia, Concordia)

Jonathan Chalaturnyk (MMath, subsequent position: Machine Learning Scientist at Applied Brain Research)

Nathan Braniff (PhD, Applied Math, current position: Postdoctoral Researcher, UCSD)

Melissa Meighoo (undergraduate research assistant, current position: Undergraduate, U Waterloo)

Catie Terry (undergraduate research assistant, current position: Undergraduate, U Waterloo)

Sheng Fang (undergraduate research assistant, current position: Undergraduate, U Waterloo)

Taylor Pearce (undergraduate research assistant, current position: Undergraduate, U Waterloo)

Yesha Patel (undergraduate research assistant, current position: Undergraduate, U Waterloo)

Sohaib Nadeem (undergraduate research assistant, current position: Undergraduate, U Waterloo)

Adrian Foell (undergraduate research assistant, current position: Undergraduate, U Waterloo)

Jaycee Kaufman (undergraduate research assistant, current position: graduate student, UOIT)

Leon Avery (PhD student, current position: retired professor)

Michael Astwood (undergraduate research assistant)

Yesha Patel (undergraduate research assistant)

Cody Receno (undergraduate research assistant)

Ayana Kawe (undergraduate research assistant)

Addison Richards (undergraduate research assistant, current position: graduate student, McMaster)

Sarah Odinotski (undergraduate research assistant, current position: Masters student student, U. Waterloo)

Midhun Sukumaran (PhD, current position: Data Scientist, CIBC)

Fatima Abrar (undergraduate research assistant, current position: PhD student, Biology, U. Waterloo)

Ivan Martinez (undergraduate research assistant)

Nicole Wang (undergraduate research assistant, current position: PhD student, UBC)

Linda Chan (undergraduate research assistant)

Max Reed (undergraduate research assistant, current position: undergraduate student, U. Toronto)

Leah Fulton (undergraduate research assistant, current position: undergraduate student, U. Waterloo)

Monjur Morshed (PhD student, subsequent and current position: Faculty member, Univeristy of Dhaka)

Melissa Prickaerts (undergraduate research assistant, subsequent position: MSc candidate, Medical Biophysics, U. Toronto)

Peivand Sadat-Mousavi (undergraduate research assistant, subsequent position: MSc candidate, School of Pharmacy, U. Toronto)

Akshay Malwade (visiting MSc student, subsequent position: junior research fellow, University of Hyderabad)

Matt Smart (undergraduate research assistant, subsequent position: MSc candidate, Physics, U. Toronto)

Samantha Hirniak (undergraduate research assistant, current position: MSc student, Pharmacy, U. Waterloo)

Steven Ten Holder (undergraduate research assistant, current position: CEO Acorn Cryotech)

Duncan Forster (undergraduate research assistant, subsequent position: PhD candidate, Quantitative Biology Molecular Genetics, U. Toronto)

Robert Gooding-Townsend (undergraduate research assistant, subsequent and current position: MMath candidate, Applied Math, U. Waterloo)

Bahram Zargar (PhD, Chemical Engineering; subsequent position: postdoctoral fellow, U. Ottawa, current position: CEO, Cremco Labs)

Rahul Rahul (PhD, Applied Mathematics; subsequent position: postdoctoral fellow, U. McGill; current position: Research Scientist, Blackrock)

Ben Storer (undergraduate research assistant, current position: PhD candidate, Applied Mathematics, U. Waterloo)

Kathryn Scannell (undergraduate research assistant, subsequent and current position: PhD candidate, Systems Biology, U. California, Irvine)