
Author Title Type Year(Asc)
Alencar, P., D. Cowan, D. Mulholland, B. MacVicar, S. Courtenay, S. Murphy, and F. McGarry. 2018. Ienvironment: A Software Platform For Integrated Environmental Monitoring And Modeling Of Surface Water. In Proceedings - 2017 Ieee International Conference On Big Data, Big Data 2017, 2018-January:3975-3978. doi:10.1109/BigData.2017.8258408.
Dashtpeyma, H., and B.J. MacVicar. 2017. Surface, Corner And Ramp Rollers: Numerical Analysis Of Flow Patterns In Isolated Pool-Riffle Units. Canadian Geophysical Union. Vancouver, BC.
Papangelakis, E., V. Bevan, K. Ghunowa, and B.J. MacVicar. 2017. 60 Years Of Evolution In A Suburban Semi-Alluvial Creek: Wilket Creek In Toronto. Canadian Geophysical Union. Vancouver, BC.
Ghunowa, K., B.J. MacVicar, and P. Ashmore. 2017. Spatial Decision Support Tool For Cumulative Stream Power Modeling. Canadian Geophysical Union. Vancouver, BC.
Welber, M., P. Ashmore, and B.J. MacVicar. 2017. Sediment Dynamics In Semi-Alluvial Urban Streams. 6Th Conference On Natural Channel Systems. Guelph.
Hufnagel, J., E. Papangelakis, and B.J. MacVicar. 2017. Advances In Sediment Tracking Using Radio Frequency Identification Transponders: A Purpose-Built Flume And Gyroscopic Tags. Hydraulic Measurement And Experimental Methods, International Association Of Hydraulic Research. Durham, New Hampshire.
Duguay, J., J. Lacey, A.E. Benchikh Lehocine, and B. MacVicar. 2017. Comparison Of Velocity And Turbulence Statistics Obtained Using A Nortek Vectrino Profiler And Stereo Particle Image Velocimetry. Hydraulic Measurement And Experimental Methods, International Association Of Hydraulic Research. Durham, New Hampshire.
Alencar, P., D. Cowan, D. Mulholland, B. MacVicar, S. Courtenay, S. Murphy, and F. McGarry. 2017. Ienvironment: A Software Platform For Integrated Environmental Monitoring And Modeling Of Surface Water. Ieee Conference On Big Data. Boston, Massachusetts.
Piégay, H., V. Benacchio, M. Boivin, P. Lemaire, B. MacVicar, B Moulin, V. Ruiz-Villanueva, et al.. 2015. Wood Is Good But It Moves! Associated Problems And Research Issues. Third International Conference On Wood In Rivers. Padova, Italy.
MacVicar, B.J., M. Chapuis, V. Bevan, E. Buckrell, A. Roy, J. Parish, R. Ness, and W. Snodgrass. 2015. Urbanization, Channel Adjustment, And Restoration Of A Suburban Semi-Alluvial Creek: The Case Study Of Wilket Creek In Toronto. American Geophysical Union. Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Dashtpeyma, H., and B.J. MacVicar. 2015. Detached Eddy Simulation (Des) Of Turbulent Flow In Isolated Pool-Riffle Bedforms. American Geophysical Union. Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
MacVicar, B.J.. 2015. Experiments On Simplified Pool And Riffle Structures In Flumes: What Have We Learned?. 46Th Annual Binghampton Geomorphology Symposium: Laboratory Experiments In Geomorphology. University at Buffalo (poster).
Piégay, H., B. MacVicar, V. Benacchio, M. Boivin, T. Buffin-Bélanger, Lemaire P., and K. Michel. 2014. Wood Mobility In Rivers. Xii International Association Of Engineering Geology (Iaeg) Congress. Torino, Italy.
