MacVicar, B.. 2012. Secondary Flows In Rivers: The Effect Of Complex Geometry. Gravel-Bed Rivers: Processes, Tools, Environments. doi:10.1002/9781119952497.ch2.
MacVicar, B.J., and H. Piégay. 2012. “Validation Of Video Monitoring Technique To Measure Wood Transport In A River”. In River Flow 2012 - Proceedings Of The International Conference On Fluvial Hydraulics, 1:735-740.
Obach, L., B.J. MacVicar, and J. Best. 2011. “Large-Scale Turbulent Flow Structures In Pools”. Coherent Flow Structures In Geophysical Flows At Earth’s Surface. Burnaby BC.
MacVicar, B.J., L. Obach, S. Kara, T. Stoesser, and J. Best. 2011. “ Shear Flow In A Mildly Sloped Riffle-Pool Sequence”. 7Th International Symposium On Turbulence And Shear Flow Phenomena (Tsfp-7). Ottawa, Ont., Canada.
MacVicar, B.J., and A.G. Roy. 2011. “Sediment Mobility In A Forced Riffle-Pool”. Geomorphology 125: 445-456. doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2010.10.031.
MacVicar, B.J.. 2010. “Secondary Flows In Rivers: The Effect Of Complex Geometry”. Gravel Bed Rivers Vii. Tadoussac, Quebec.
Stoesser, T., B.J. MacVicar, and J. Best. 2010. “Turbulence Structures Over A Mildly Sloped Pool-Riffle Sequence”. Riverflow, International Association Of Hydraulic Research. Braunschweig, Germany.
MacVicar, B.J., C.D. Rennie, and A.G. Roy. 2010. “Discussion Of "Unifying Criterion For The Velocity Reversal Hypothesis In Gravel-Bed Rivers" By D. Caamaño, P. Goodwin, J. M. Buffington, J. C. P. Liou, And S. Daley-Laursen”. Journal Of Hydraulic Engineering 136: 550-552. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0000120.
MacVicar, B.J., and C.D. Rennie. 2009. “Lateral Distribution Of Turbulence And Secondary Currents In Non-Uniform Open Channel Flow”. International Association Of Hydraulic Engineering And Research 33Rd Congress, . Vancouver, BC.
Lamarre, H., G. Marquis, A.G. Roy, T. Buffin-Bélanger, J. Thérien, J. Lacey, and B. MacVicar. 2009. “Channel Bed Adjustments Following A Major Debris Flow In A Mountain Stream”. 9Th International Conference On Fluvial Sedimentology, . Argentina .
MacVicar, B.J., I. Ali, L. Tougne, and H. Piégay. 2009. “Video Monitoring Of Wood Transport In A Free-Meandering Piedmont River”. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. San Francisco, USA.
MacVicar, B.J., H. Piégay, A. Henderson, F. Comiti, C. Oberlin, and E. Pecorari. 2009. “Quantifying The Temporal Dynamics Of Wood In Large Rivers: Field Trials Of Wood Surveying, Dating, Tracking, And Monitoring Techniques”. Earth Surface Processes And Landforms 34: 2031-2046. doi:10.1002/esp.1888.
Rollet, A.J., B. MacVicar, H. Piégay, and A. Roy. 2008. “A Comparative Study On The Use Of Passive Integrated Transponders To Estimate Sediment Transport: First Results [L'utilisation De Transpondeurs Passifs Pour L'estimation Du Transport Sédimentaire: Premiers Retours D'expérience]”. Houille Blanche: 110-116. doi:10.1051/lhb:2008047.
Rollet, A. J, B.J. MacVicar, H. Piégay, and A. Roy. 2007. “A Comparative Study Of The Effect Of River Size On The Use Of Passive Integrated Transponders To Estimate Sediment Transport”. Transports Solides Et Gestion Des Sédiments, Société Hydrotechnique De France. Lyon, France.
Lamarre, H., J. Thérien, B MacVicar, and A.G. Roy. 2007. “The Displacement Of Individual Clasts In Gravel-Bed Rivers”. Canadian Quaternary Association-The Canadian Geomorphology Research Group, . Ottawa, Ont., Canada.
MacVicar, B.J., and A.G. Roy. 2007. “Hydrodynamics Of A Forced Riffle Pool In A Gravel Bed River: 1. Mean Velocity And Turbulence Intensity”. Water Resources Research 43. doi:10.1029/2006WR005272.
MacVicar, B.J., and A.G. Roy. 2007. “Hydrodynamics Of A Forced Riffle Pool In A Gravel Bed River: 2. Scale And Structure Of Coherent Turbulent Events”. Water Resources Research 43. doi:10.1029/2006WR005274.
MacVicar, B.J., E. Beaulieu, V. Champagne, and A.G. Roy. 2007. “Measuring Water Velocity In Highly Turbulent Flows: Field Tests Of An Electromagnetic Current Meter (Ecm) And An Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter (Adv)”. Earth Surface Processes And Landforms 32: 1412-1432. doi:10.1002/esp.1497.
MacVicar, B.J., L. Parrott, and A.G. Roy. 2006. “A Two-Dimensional Discrete Particle Model Of Gravel Bed River Systems”. Journal Of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 111. doi:10.1029/2005JF000316.
MacVicar, B.J., and A. Roy. 2005. “Turbulence And Partial Transport In A Forced Riffle-Pool”. International Conference On Fluvial Sedimentology. Delft, Netherlands.