de Boer, D.H., M.A. Hassan, B. MacVicar, and M. Stone. 2005. “Recent (1999-2003) Canadian Research On Contemporary Processes Of River Erosion And Sedimentation, And River Mechanics”. Hydrological Processes 19: 265-283. doi:10.1002/hyp.5767.
Lamarre, H., B. MacVicar, and A.G. Roy. 2005. “Using Passive Integrated Transponder (Pit) Tags To Investigate Sediment Transport In Gravel-Bed Rivers”. Journal Of Sedimentary Research 75: 736-741. doi:10.2110/jsr.2005.059.
Lamarre, H., B.J. MacVicar, and A. Roy. 2004. “Using Pit Tags To Investigate Sediment Transport In A Step-Pool Channel”. American Association Of Geographers 100Th Annual General Meeting, . Philadelphia, U.S.A.
MacVicar, B.J., L. Parrott, and A. Roy. 2003. “Roq-B: A River-Bed Simulation Model”. American Association Of Geographers 99Th Annual General Meeting. New Orleans, U.S.A.
MacVicar, B., L. Alexander, and A. Rexe. 2001. “Rapid Change In The Don River Watershed: A Geomorphic Investigation Into The Impact Of Urbanization”. Canadian Water Resource Association 54Th Annual Conference, . Guelph.
Millar, R.G., and B.J. MacVicar. 1998. “An Analytical Method For Natural Channel Design”. Proceedings, Wetlands Engineering And River Restoration Conference: American Society Of Civil Engineering. Denver, U.S.A.
MacVicar, B.J., and R.G. Millar. 1998. “Abilities, Limits And Potential In Stream Restoration”. Proceedings, Mountains To Sea: Canadian Water Resource Association 54Th Annual Conference. Victoria.
Millar, R.G., and B.J. MacVicar. 1998. “Analytical Method For Natural Channel Design”. In Proceedings Of The Asce Wetlands Engineering River Restoration Conference.