
Author Title Type Year(Asc)
Piégay, H., P. Lemaire, B MacVicar, C. Mouquet-Noppe, and L. Tougne. 2014. Automatically Monitoring Driftwood In Large Rivers: Preliminary Results. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. San Francisco, CA.
MacVicar, B.J., and H. Dashtpeyma. 2014. Perturbation And Recovery Of Flow Over 2D Bedforms: Experiments On Bedform Scale And Les Simulations Of Vorticity. 17Th U.s. National Congress On Theoretical & Applied Mechanics. Michigan State University, Lansing, Michigan.
Buckrell, E., M. Chapuis, V. Bevan, C. Bright, B. MacVicar, and A. Roy. 2014. Rfid Tracking As An Urban Restoration Metric. Cwra 2014 Canada Water Resources Conference. Hamilton, Ont., Canada.
MacVicar, B.J., S. Dilling, J. Lacey, and K. Hipel. 2014. A Quality Analysis Of The Vectrino Ii Instrument Using A New Open-Source Matlab Toolbox And 2D Arma Models To Detect And Replace Spikes. Riverflow, International Association Of Hydraulic Research. Lausanne, Switzerland.
Chapuis, M., B.J. MacVicar, and A. Roy. 2014. Sediment Transport And Continuity In A Urbanized River: Issues And Assessment Of Sediment Fluxes. Riverflow, International Association Of Hydraulic Research. Lausanne, Switzerland.
Chapuis, M., V. Bevan, B. MacVicar, and A.G. Roy. 2014. Sediment Transport And Morphodynamics In An Urbanized River: The Effect Of Restoration On Sediment Fluxes. In Proceedings Of The International Conference On Fluvial Hydraulics, River Flow 2014, 2119-2126.
Pasternack, G., and B.J. MacVicar. 2013. Gold-Standard Performance For 2D Hydrodynamic Modeling. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. San Francisco, USA.
Chapuis, M., S. Dufour, B. MacVicar, A. Roy, and B. Couvert. 2013. Sediment Transport And Morphodynamics Of Two Dynamic, Highly Modified Rivers: Valley Management Issues And Keys For River Stakeholders. 8Th Iag International Conference On Geomorphology. Paris.
Bright, C., and B.J. MacVicar. 2012. Getting The Most Out Of Rfid Technology For Bed-Load Transport Monitoring: Sandbox Experiments And An Improved Field Method. Cwra/Cgu Annual General Meeting. Banff, Alberta, Canada.
MacVicar, B.J., and H. Piégay. 2012. Validation Of Video Monitoring Technique To Measure Wood Transport In A River. Riverflow, International Association Of Hydraulic Research. San Jose, Costa Rica.
MacVicar, B.J., A. Hauet, N. Bergeron, L. Tougne, and I. Ali. 2012. River Monitoring With Ground-Based Videography. Fluvial Remote Sensing For Science And Management. doi:10.1002/9781119940791.ch16.
