Welcome to my webpage. I am a Professor at the University of Waterloo's Civil and Environmental Engineering department. Please feel free to explore this webpage to find out more about my research interests and current active projects. Carl's focus is on unique projects with lasting impact on the construction industry. For example, he uses 3D imaging and other automated sensing algorithms to create digital twins of constructed facilities such as buildings. Construction companies use the tool to automate their progress tracking and locate where each object has been placed during construction of a new building. He developed radio-frequency identification tags and algorithms to locate items on the construction site quickly and easily reducing the number of hours wasted on sites trying to locate construction materials. Carl's research will help improve the bottom line by saving companies a lot of time and money. Waterloo Engineering is the home to a wide range of innovative research that is changing the world for the better. For more information, visit engineering.uwaterloo.ca/research |